Saturday, June 19, 2010


What is there left in me?
Undone duties 'n' future to see.
Why not delve a bit deeper?
Not willing to live like a creeper.

Do your work, do not brood,
things will surely be good.
Truth and simplicity, that is all,
as pride comes before a fall.

Honesty like blood in veins flow,
truth like stars will always glow.
Guide me Lord, guide me through,
a prayer for Humanity to you.

Give me strength to move on,
pride is hurt, belief is gone.
When I see a child in smile,
I know the fight is worthwhile.



Did you ever chase a shadow,
out in the wild and free?
Did you ever sleep in a meadow,
on velvet grass beneath the tree?

Did you ever see the moon,
in pristine white today at noon?
The moon also shed a tear,
on dry sands in lonely fear.

The branches spread far and wide,
a swing in it does merrily glide.
Have you seen petals hold dew drops
that unfolds with ease 'n' shyly props.


Saturday, June 12, 2010


I am a boy with mind so keen,
a lovely soul just aged fifteen.
With three scores of life to live,
as a boon to me God did give.

The life of a human better than all,
body so mighty 'n' mind so small.
Sounds I hear, the aroma I feel,
a thing in me burns that slowly kill.

As heart sees, so the mind say,
why it doesn't happen that way.
Fire and fire with ash around,
Gift of life raged to the ground.

I am a boy tender and sober,
with dreams of colours I hover.
What did He had in His mind?
gave me life by fate was blind.



The gurgling brook like a child,
so cute 'n' lovely and yet mild.
From top of cliffs and hill,
roaring down the ridges - just feel.

Across nooks, corners slipping down,
far away from the edge of town.
Across moss, lichens and fern,
music of nature that we learn.

With rocks and stones it clashes,
with thundering roar it splashes.
Towards the plain it slows down,
flowing smoothly like silken gown.

Along the paddy field it runs,
mostly straight with seldom turns.
In it kids jump and play,
a carefree life - I should say.

The brook also is gay 'n' merry,
as it crosses the grove of cherry.
The brook like serpent on its way,
meet thee Sea - I sincerely pray.


Monday, June 7, 2010


The yellow marigolds are in bloom,
made from craft in nature's loom.
Dandelions and hyacinths lure me,
and have the soul of God - I see.

They are always a gardener's delight,
as on it shoal of butterflies do alight.
The busy grasshopper clad in green,
mingles with grass - calm and serene.

Proudly stands the china rose, an
eternal subject for poem or prose.
Calendula of many colours are there,
shaped in the garden like hemisphere. 

Pebbles pave the rocky floor, seen
so many - yet yearn for more.
Daisies and lillies are appealing too,
a gift from God for me and you.



Years on from now, I'll be no more,
days spent in laughter, pain 'n' sore.
You cared, loved and caressed me,
your warmth made my gloom to flee.

What you gave, you know not now,
cure of sadness - before you I bow.
I overcame my grey days with you,
to find an innocent me and life anew.

A smile of million pearls you wear,
thus phoenix is reborn - I swear.
You were sent as God's gift to me,
believe it or not, you are my destiny.

You exist in 'me' - a heavenly bliss,
y'r desire and comfort - I ne'er miss,
You came to me on Angel's wing,
play the Harp - I will merrily sing.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The crow cawed and flew passing by,
a swallow sitting on a branch so high.
The beautiful swallow in deep brown,
looked at the crow with a grim frown.

Perched on the big mango tree,
the baby crow was feeling free.
But it cawed on - naughty crow,
and other animals raised their brow.

The crow thought itself - The Best,
that it is different from - The Rest.
The maiden flight of its life, with
wings gliding like a butter knife.

Soaring up and sometimes far low,
with people appearing small below.
Thought itself as the king of the skies,
cawing merrily and heartily it flies.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Dreams come and away it goes,
like red hue on a fading rose.
What remains now still with me,
is your stolen kiss and silent glee.

The tresses of your brown hair,
caresses your cheeks pink 'n' fair.
Those sleepy and dreamy eyes,
deep inside makes an urge to rise.

Tis true I remain awake in dream,
like a child seeing the golden rim.
Dreams end - not the hangover sweet,
all due to you dear - a lovely treat.

My fingers cascade your hair apart,
makes love tiptoe to my heart.
Cute! You blush like cherries tender,
I pray your morn be sweet as lavender.
