Sunday, November 28, 2010


The sun peeps thru' the window panes,
along the narrow stoney lanes.
Golden Sun - shiny and bright,
displaying beauty - ahh!! full of might.

The gentle kiss of the warm rays,
lures me in so many lovely ways.
The whiff of freshness in the beam,
beckons me into an alluring dream.

My mind wanders like a gypsy,
abound with joy - a bit tipsy.
Desire like the meteors burn,
to kindle the love in bosom's urn.


Saturday, November 13, 2010


A boy is silent on a chair,
eyes closed and deep in prayer.
Looking towards the sunny garden,
reflecting on life and its burden.

Head tilted and reddened eyes,
waiting for the sun to rise.
People move on fleeting glass,
reflections do not stay -  alas.

On the black chair all day long,
patients in queue, people throng.
He looks towards his mother,
sometimes he prefers not to rather.

Mother on bed writhing in pain,
hope and medicines work in vain.
Kind lips pray, and His hands heal,
and like others he believed in it still.
