Tuesday, December 27, 2011


How long will the beings living,
pretend to be dead and gone?
What will it take for surviving,
priceless things for all and one?

Myth of the past is myth no more,
days of despair, pain and sore.
Hope, glory and eternal light,
a reward for the evil we fight.

When will the memories rise,
of yesteryear's joy and surprise?
How long will we avoid the tears,
of an innocent full of fears?



The scent of your warm breath,
is in every petal, every wreath.
Time that passed now no more,
stopped to see the smile you wore.

What is it in you I seek?
The waves of desire in its peak.
Our life is a book thru' the ages,
is worthy as you read the pages...



The vase of love is never vacant,
never goes empty however scant.
Your affection and care like a dove,
when watered by youthful love.

What is it that you want to say,
is on your eyes yet from lips go away?
A chill that runs down your spine,
when I whisper that, "you are mine".

Why is there a quivering smile,
when you think of me all the while?
I feel the feelings flowing free,
the mind calm on a silence spree.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Some moments never seem to pass,
some with time never seem to fade.
Still we move on in life – alas,
and so soon forget our comrade.

Brave men with guns did roar,
some martyrs before canons thundered.
Spitted fire with fierceness and furore,
whilst never like cowards shuddered.

Some marched with blood and sweat,
while some never came back home.
With tears and courage ground was wet,
the brave souls here still today roam.

Green fields with blood turned red,
while the sky was clear and blue.
God sobbed when He saw the dead,
and blessed them to give life anew.



A happy moment for a happy pair,
has happy feelings of love and care.
A happy moment for a happy pair,
has happy feelings of smile and tear.

A happy day and happy night,
has happy feelings of friendly fight.
A happy day and happy night,
has happy feelings of angelic sight.

A happy smile and a happy kiss,
has happy desire of heavenly bliss.
A happy smile and a happy kiss,
has happy fear for not to miss.

A happy man and his happy wife,
has happy dreams for a happy life.
A happy man and his happy wife,
has happy visions in struggle or strife.

Thus, “how happy is the happy man?”
Tell me now if you can...,
“So much happy now” is the happy man,
to know you have to be a happy man...



Once again the end of a year,
Of memories, joy and tear.
It will come, as away it goes,
Laden with aroma, thorns and rose.

There is always silence in grief,
Seems like eternity, however brief.
Whispering of air, rustling leaves,
It is as if someone deeply grieves.

The innocent mind still does cry,
Though life has given one more try.
Something inside goes in vain,
Sweet dreams, visions all remain.

In futile he begs her not to leave,
destiny frowned with nothing to give.
Like clutching the wind, walking in rain,
With memoirs of happiness, rest in vain.
