Thursday, October 22, 2020


Just above my window's shade
and beneath the beam of the roof,
two sparrows had its nest made
to live in peace and remain aloof.

One bought the leaves and twigs,
while the other sat on the window rim.
Sometimes they plucked the ripe figs
being the masters of their own whim.

Slowly the nest turned into a home
which they made thru' day and night.
Strands of grass they had to comb
which they did with all their might.

They used to chirp all the time
be it dawn, noon or dusk.
Perhaps they had a certain rhyme
that my mind was eager to ask.

Quite sometime had passed by then
they became parents - very proud.
Seasons flew, it was time to rain
their home by now a velvety shroud.

Time rolled by and winter came
the innocent chirps got louder still.
Nature had played its glorious game, and
the babies are now on the window grill!



 Jimmy was the youngest of all
and as innocent as he could be.
For others' fault he took the fall,
with bowed head he accepted destiny.

Jimmy was a lad of mere thirteen
and mocked by all as a coward.
He wanted to be free and clean
and roam the world as a free bird.

No one listens to a poor man's child
however innocent he may have been.
For missing money the owner went wild
Jimmy pleaded but couldn't come clean.

The stolen items was never found
still they abused his widowed mother.
The world seemed stopped going round,
No protest! He stayed a coward rather.

They threw him out of town
and burned down his house.
While the thief did not go down
Jimmy the coward fled like a mouse.

Time passed and Jimmy was forgotten
and also his mother left the world.
This cruel world was already rotten,
the time was ripe to be unfurled.

Jimmy by now was twenty four
feared through Texas by one and all.
An outlaw with rage and roar, and
a messiah on the poor man's call.

One day Jimmy rode into town
saddled in with his bandit men.
The onlookers' gaze sunk in frown
and Jimmy knew it was not in vain.

People whispered in gripped fear
while Jimmy walked towards his place.
Wept on his knees, eyes filled with tear
while his fiery bandits stood in grace.

The thief now older, came near him
while the town now stood still.
Jimmy looked back cold and grim
told his name and sent down a chill.

Jimmy dealt a blazing blow,
and the guilty hit the earth.
he looked up so they would know
he is back to claim his rightful birth.

While tears moistened his eyes
something in him burned like hell
A decade long fury in disguise
people from his face could tell.

Vengeance flowed, he went for the kill
and like the past people stood still.
'I am Jimmy', they heard him roar
innocent at heart but a coward no more!
