Sunday, February 27, 2022


What is it that has no walls?
It is a lost and free mind.
Whose echo in the hallowed halls?
It is a heart that turned blind.

What is it that soundlessly fall?
It is the despair of the unkind.
What is it so aimlessly tall?
It is ego that made us blind.


Thursday, February 24, 2022


I hear the distant bells toll
calling humanity once again.
An angel knocking on your soul,
so this life doesn't go in vain.

The 'wind of unity' is on my face,
like an infant's breath is calm.
Reaches far into open space
while a tear falls on my palm.

Homes and hope razed by fire
while the riots made many rifts.
Freedom killed by wrath and ire,
while life is one of His gifts.


Friday, February 18, 2022


A hermit woke from his trance
and was quite amazed to see.
White crow and black dove in prance,
a miracle - it seemed to be.
He called out both and asked,
'Are you divine beings? Be true -
seems you are in guise and masked
- said the hermit having no clue.

They replied together as The One...
"The crow is the good in evil men,
the dove is devil in all things good.
Bonded since, we know not when
while the soul chooses it's own food."


Wednesday, February 16, 2022


They drew lines on the ground
and two brothers parted ways.
Once their hearts to affection bound
now spend their own lonely days.

Among them the mother is torn -
seasons pass, her hair grey's.
Poisoned heart and looks of scorn
unmended - they keep up the craze.

The wired fence is still there,
but the wheel would again turn.
Unheeded remained a mother's prayer -
but her wishes live on in a silver urn.


Monday, February 14, 2022


Let us invite the stars
and bring them down here.
We will take a walk to Mars
and leave our blue sphere.
To Uranus - away from the Sun
it's cold but it might be fun;
To the Goddess of love - Venus
who in Sun's hue is no fuss.

Maybe once sail past the moon,
if not now sometime soon.
Wander past Pluto - our last guard,
leaving our Sun like a free bird.
Into the dark finally we go
for a new world - it might be so.
A new realm, new sun and stars,
leaving behind all past scars.

I believe space is not all dark
where devils 'tread' and 'fear' lurk.
A contented heart is all we need
to start anew in honest bid.


Sunday, February 13, 2022


Stormy outside - to storms we're prone,
while a hyena sat on destiny's throne.
The Lions and Tigers sadly forgotten,
while a luscious bloom got slowly rotten.

Golden verses to the ground burned,
sadly thus, how fate of history turned.
Truth like diamonds buried in dark,
uncover the mud, relive the spark.

Destiny will again bear it's fruits,
for a nation usurped from its roots.
Let us now take the holy pledge,
for a nation sitting on razor's edge.


Thursday, February 10, 2022


How smoke dances on water
and the ripples does the same.
None stays - it doesn't matter.
It's part of our nature's game.

A ripple that is now born,
in a moment is no more.
Smoke that do the air adorn,
will away from us soar.

The ripple kisses the smoke,
in a bid to say forever 'bye'.
Oh! How the heart of ripples choke,
when smoke vanishes on the high.


Sunday, February 6, 2022


I'm defiant, arrogant with ego -
the traits disliked by many.
Stubborn, headstrong - I can't forego.
In me, they are worth every penny.

Losing loved ones at every stage,
is what hardened me to the core.
The losses that come with age,
stranded me on a rocky shore.

I move on, it's now low tide.
Hope, like water receding me.
I have no shadow, just my pride -
this is the ME, I never hoped to be.


Friday, February 4, 2022


You kick me while you tread
and then you push me aside.
You thought that I was dead
as you step upon and stride.

I too was once a giant
like landlords of yesteryear.
Part of a mountain - defiant,
whom others looked up in fear.

With time turned into rubble
like those lords into common man.
My past is like a bubble,
keep me in memories - if you can.

I am broken - not shattered,
if now that is what you feel.
I have my pride - that mattered,
I am my own world in zest and zeal.


Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Ever put on wall - your ear,
curiously so just to find?
How it is silent in fear
and how it to itself bind?

Ever heard the wall speak,
or even a tiny whimper?
Sand in it is silent 'n' meek,
in want of love and pamper.

Together they are and stand
to make a wall that it is.
Coming from a distant land,
and are made as you please.


IT IS ...

Every bit of mud,
every speck of dust.
A new blooming bud
is a beauty - do trust.

Every joyful smile,
every child's glee.
So walking-a-mile
is my destiny.

Every tear that fell,
every heart that pained:
They who know me well, 
know what I have gained.


I WISH ...

I wish I could have taken
the curses on humanity - forsaken.
Give my green to turn yellow
and pass on joy to a sad fellow.
Be a leaf - wither and fall
yet in life stand high and tall.

That would be a happy life,
when you take the edge of a knife.
Yet you bring smile all along
and in solo sing life's song!



Once lived a family of four
under the wide over-bridge.
No walls, door or floor,
like walking along a ridge.

Neglect and dirt in a gift box,
isn't it a wonderful sphere?
How on throne He mocks
His creation down there!
