Saturday, April 30, 2022


When you are down in trouble,
knee-deep in mud and rubble.
Look up - straighten your shoulder,
a battle is lost but not the war.

One is not beaten till one quits,
do not worry how failure hits.
One is not down till one lies
in the dust refusing to rise.

Look up to trouble on the face,
break shackles - thus freedom embrace.
As the sun shine on the crops,
merrily work like the raindrops.


Friday, April 29, 2022


Funny gestures by the rabbit,
seems like a daily habit.
The jackal with its slyness,
is trying to please 'her highness'!
The puppet sat with a smile,
despair in mind all the while.
The tiger made it very clear,
there is nothing called 'fear'!

Everywhere vultures and crows,
their number steadily grows.
The honest ideas of the owl,
foiled by the plans - so foul!
Hyenas, foxes circle the lion,
actions unknown like a scion.
Rhinos, hippos with all its might,
enforce the law, keep it right!

Giraffe, horses and those deers,
silent like the common peers.
Monkeys scream - call for help,
to those forgotten, in an yelp!
We forgot those on the outer side,
who by nature do freedom abide.
Wolves - the alpha leading the fight,
settling scores - making it right!


Sunday, April 24, 2022


Hymns, praises and verses,
hatred, sins and curses.
Thus, have resided in one soul
trying to find Him - the One Goal.

The darkness, tears and fears -
He is the one who from it steers.
Unto the kingdom of 'The One',
where tears dry and remain none.


Thursday, April 21, 2022


Those who think they can judge
and sure they have rightly done so.
They should give their conscience a  nudge,
so that they may in the future know.

It's easy to raise a hue and cry
but hard to bury a silent woe.
The ones who dictate, should once try,
to be in steps of the man they know.

I have seen a lifetime - flow in tears,
people mugged by untruth and despair.
A few are able to hide their fears,
while some lives ended for want of care.


Monday, April 18, 2022


Heaven's warmth or Hell's cold,
temptations come in all ways..
Not to stray but remain bold,
and cut thru' the sinner's maze. 

Some look towards the heavens,
while on ground some bow and kneel.
Distractions - like cawing of ravens,
will pass when you get ' His Feel'.



He who thus hope secures,
he who thus pain endures.
Will always be far from fear,
will always see His face appear.

Men of flesh sadly fail,
to see what inside them ail.
A dark life, darker woes,
one day life ceases as it goes.

It's He who is king - we forgot,
it's He 'The Maker', we are not.
Leaving all we one day pass,
Oh! Empty handed! Alas!



Money stacked pile on pile,
and forgot the existence of Him.
Being happy all the while,
until the day reality struck grim.

Did all his life, as he please,
while he never looked around.
Money, food kept him at ease,
while his wealth was all abound.

Death came knocking, then he knows,
- he was wrong all the while.
It was the beginning of his woes,
while wealth was buried in a smile.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022


He who resides in Heaven;
will unto us all surely bring.
Forgiveness - that can be forgiven
and thus His devotees sing.
Almighty - The ultimate king!

Praising Him for boon and favour;
by the unfavoured in distress.
They still praise Him same as ever,
He doesn't scold but readily bless.
His glorious devotees of faithfulness!

Mother like He cares and loves us;
always every bit of us He knows.
In His lap He carries us,
relieving our tears and woes.
His mercy like the Ganges flows!

The angels show the path to Him;
we are enlightened - face to face.
The celestials pray before Him,
all dwellers of time and space.
Praise to Almighty - His timeless grace!


Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Folded hands were raised
facing the sun on the east.
Devout people intently gazed
water dripping from their wrist.

Murmurs and chants of hymns
echoes like flute all around.
Discarding all frivolities and whims
as man to faith eternally bound.


Monday, April 4, 2022


The dips that are taken -
a belief, sins are forsaken.
The sins are of the past,
they hope to lose at last.

Is it true? I myself ask,
as in glory of the sun I bask.
The guilt is in the mind,
that with conscience do bind.

Ganges will wash darkness away,
this is what the Vedas say. 
Water lashing at the feet
is a pious and holy greet.

If the tears do start to flow,
it is then that we must know.
The mind will be pure again,
the holy dip will not be in vain.


Friday, April 1, 2022


I feel the waves of agony
rising like a vortex in me.
Prayers, flowers and fire
floats on the bosom of ire.

Is He the lord I believe in,
of people puny and mean?
The holy dips in the Ganges
that meandered thru' ranges.

It is said to forgive our sins,
truly by any and all means.
Eyes closed and hands fold
from kids to the feeble old.
What is faith? I ask thee -
it is the good that is still in me. 
