Thursday, June 30, 2022


I see the tricolour flying unfurled,
waving proudly in a free world.
People and kids taking pictures -
Events etched in stone scriptures.

Those unknown soldier sleeps
as into past now the living peeps.
Death came unto them and swept,
while we in homes peacefully slept.

The moon witnessed a bloody stream -
Good souls lost, none can redeem.
They are now just names on stone -
None witnessed their dying moan.

Beyond death they would have dare,
if they had another life to spare.
Their souls and we are now both free,
in tearful memory we have crowned thee.



The raindrops that on earth fall,
have mixed feelings for all.
Once tempest and once shower,
have nurtured every single flower.

Be it on a castle or torn shack,
from the wealthy to those who lack -
Footpath house made of plastic sheet:
How hard one tries making ends meet.


Sunday, June 26, 2022


'A blind' desires to conquer the sun,
even if it resides in eternal darkness.
A soldier standing post with a gun -
Head high in an utter starkness.

The one with no leg scaled the peak,
while the abled one lost halfway.
Move on even if the path is bleak -
Coz' we shouldn't from our path sway.


Wednesday, June 22, 2022


The end of autumn wind blew
telling us that winter is here.
Those juniper, pine and fir knew
that it would be a cold affair.

By and by the white frost came
with messages brumal and chill.
Snow as in past, fell just the same
on earth, from high above the hill. 


Tuesday, June 21, 2022


When darkness trembled in dark night,
some clenched fists did put up a fight.
Few who marched and faltered not -
Hearts burning, like white iron hot.

Some saw the sun before it rose -
Stories of the brave is how it goes.
Clouds of fate did eclipsed them -
Unknown people with unknown name.



The marching army of red ants,
is an orderly sight to behold.
Rythmic parade, heavenly chants -
In a long line on sands of gold.

Marching towards unknown space
and leaving footprints in time.
Like footsoldiers with nameless face,
who gave up life in their prime.


Wednesday, June 15, 2022


I'm known as The Great Banyan tree -
None knows my past, except me.
Two centuries old are my veins -
I've seen turmoils, tempest 'n' pains.
I'm witness to revolts, guiltless moan -
Death whispered to people all alone.
I've seen innocents taken to jail -
Fearful nights shuddered in their wail.
Bullet riddled men looking up at sky,
their last dying breath was at nigh.
It pained me that they took that road -
Freedom, pride to be taken by goad.

How could I just lie and be still?
Anger rose from my trunks - I feel.
Know this - I did not silently stay -
Boughs shook in protest as they went away.
I couldn't bear the centuries of wrong -
My boughs like wildfire spread out long.
The black people, the whites' lies blew -
Spread thru' country as time slowly flew.
The fake lions who preyed upon deer,
two centuries after left away in fear.
I'm old - a new tree from every bough -
Days of the past are still alive in me now.


Friday, June 10, 2022


A fluffy cat and its kitten,
is sleeping on a torn mitten.
The dog sleeps beside it's pup,
it snores - it's baby is joyfully up.
Sunday morn - owner of the house,
is having meal with kids and spouse.

A pot-bellied cat, body like silk,
its kitten awake, purring for milk.
Flat lay the dog on the velvet mat,
while the pup looked at this and that.

A joyful world every home could be -
see that grains of bliss are always free.



My mind is like a floating island,
just like a stray boat on the sea.
To escape from life that is bland,
and sail towards my own eternity.

Gloom and joy are like the waves,
keep bobbing on the ocean vast.
Me like oarsman for travel craves,
in my share of time until it last.


Thursday, June 9, 2022


Gently came down autumn weather,
a leaf fell down as downy feather.
Down from twig whence it sprung -
a joyful song it once had sung.
Dewdrops once kissed it's blade,
where it belonged in a shiny glade.
It battered rain, tempest and snow -
it's how life in nature truly flow.

One day it broke from the tall tree,
swirled and twirled it fell down free.
Once silky green, now faded yellow,
mood is a mix of gloom and mellow.
It met it's old friends on the ground,
which in time was eternally bound.
The leaf found new life after death -
gay, silent whispers in every breath.


Tuesday, June 7, 2022


We have had our history pages,
shut forever in a silken blindfold.
Our glory was cut down in stages,
stories of Hindu kings still untold.

Plunderers, pillagers came to loot
and drained away our wealth.
We were kept under the boot,
while nation was sick in health.

Tyrants ruled us in two faces,
the whites and our own brown.
Divided religion and our races
and one was king without a crown.

Some did revolt, some to battles
while some safely lectured at home.
A crownless tyrant's fake prattle
sitting under the parliament dome.

Turn the pages and wipe the dust,
let the young of the future know.
It will take time to scrape the rust
and reveal the fake truth we owe.


Monday, June 6, 2022


A fish got caught in the net
and trapped too was the fry.
Fighting for life one can bet,
even the baby gave utmost try.

Sharp teeth proved of no use,
the mother kept on biting the trap.
The food bait was just a noose -
the snare didn't seem to snap.

The mother turned, twisted 'n' jerked,
the scared baby did just the same.
Fry fell in water, while death lurked -
mother and nature both won the game.


Sunday, June 5, 2022


Ask the mother who lost her son
should mindless wars be going on?
A widow who before a picture weeps,
a smiling face behind garland peeps.
Smile - now not of this mortal world,
for some it is how destiny unfurled.

Ask the girl who had lost her leg -
for what fault she now has to beg?
The girl who had her parents before,
lost all - cruelty knocking at her door.
Now there is nothing for her to tell,
how before mindless bullets she fell.

Terrors of inhumans was on the rise -
as tears fell from the sobbing skies.
Politicians usual played the hard ball -
all ashes and razed but they stood tall.
The land of trees, lakes, snow and ice -
here innocent souls paid a heavy price.


Friday, June 3, 2022


Glorious or not we had a past -
no changes now, the die is cast.
Time and again people did declare
that they were in need of basic care.
Knowledge and culture put to waste -
Few centuries of political distaste.
Some at the helm, some true leaders -
some sold country to its highest bidders.

Some early in their life took a bullet,
while some were busy filling their wallet.
We are in our life, what we are in deeds -
The dutiful does as one's country bids.
They have no glamour for the pyre
but their legends live beyond the fire.


Thursday, June 2, 2022


Oh! White tyrants with a black heart,
you torture, maim and do your part.
Like a toxic seedling, you slowly rise,
but the tall tree withers and dies.
You swing in air the scorpion's whip,
while blood trickles down a Negros' lip.
You feast on our blood and gore -
While servants from deep brings out ore.
We don't care how hard your baton hits,
we have our pride in those dark pits.

Oh! White devils with a dark cause,
you silence, suppress against the laws.
You threaten and around us you throng -
Not loud but in whispers live our song.
Hunger in stomach, pride in our eyes,
we are on our knees but will surely rise.
There is fire in us that you don't feel,
you take riches but this you can't steal.
Freedom of body, freedom in our head,
it grows without water in the dark shade.


Wednesday, June 1, 2022


We once had our own home...
father used to say with a sigh.
Where people with freedom roam -
all was dandy under the open sky.

On paper, the bosses drew a line
and people  went separate ways.
It is not now what was once mine -
once neighbours, now in enemity's gaze.

A nation became two, then three,
unmended remained homes and hearts.
We now bear the cost of what was free,
while sly leaders played divisive parts.
