Monday, November 28, 2022


Some memories to us hold dear
while some are of intense fear.
A sweet and silky midnight's dream,
fills a human mind to the brim.
It's how our actions do express -
putting the mind at ease or stress.

Memories though are sometimes bleak
and some thru' mind's hallway peek.
Thoughts of varied taste and power -
some in sweetness and some sour.
It takes us to our own fairy land
like the wave of a magic wand.
Smoky trails that comets make -
our mind in wander keeps awake.

Mind can delve into the dark gorges
while actions unfold in us as urges.
The dark alleys of our untamed mind
that one often tries to leave behind -
A speeding highway it can surely be
thus fully changing our own destiny.


Friday, November 25, 2022


Bamboos tied together; it floats 
on the clear river water like boats.
The oarsman with no proper oar -
tugs, pulls with all strength he bore.

Dark, oily skin with tiring toned muscles -
breathes in, breathes out life's daily tussles.
Water seeps between those green bamboos
while he is fulfilling a fate he didn't choose.

The tourists on the raft enjoy and smile,
while the oarsman wades mile after mile.


Monday, November 21, 2022


The sky echoes the conch shells' sound,
spreading purity in vastness abound.
Mother Ganges touches the holy stairs -
people find peace in rituals and prayers.

Sins, boons are makings of the mind -
but a holy dip does to Almighty bind.
Fire in aarti burns and the smoke travels;
mysticism, peace over the Ganges unravels.


Sunday, November 20, 2022


Flame! Flame! You have to burn:
Lamp or candle, now it's your turn.
Be it small or big, will matter not -
One life to shine, it's all you got.
Like the wavering of steady fire -
with glowing hue, face wrath and ire.

A drop of molten wax will churn
as a trapped soul suffers in an urn.
The torments that you now bear,
will help others to ease and fare.
A white wick will surely turn black;
It's life teaching an uncanny knack.
As dripping grease gathers at base,
so w'd your experience at end of race.


Friday, November 18, 2022


They came back from the gates of hell;
from their roar and eyes, one can tell.
Warriors they are, from head to toe;
destined for greatness, all must know.

Witness to the rising and setting sun;
There's none like them, there will be none.
They walk a path that few will tread -
In their name their enemies rightly dread.

On this muddy red road they will stay,
but death will stare only once their way.
At last, if even at death they stare -
it will be a pious and passionate prayer.


Saturday, November 5, 2022


How the events like a wheel spins;
stories of have-nots and have-beens.
Turmoils etched in black, in pages;
it's time to turn it over in the coming ages.

Misdeeds kept in the dark for too long -
it's high time to right all the wrong.
Those who laid the foundations bold;
sadly in utter darkness remains untold.
Dreams, sweat, blood, flesh 'n' bones;
our country stands on altar of unknowns.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Is it painful that he is no more?
Sweet, playful childhood days of lore!
'Friends' - from the kindergarten days,
now its shrouded in a tearful haze.
The days that were together spent,
were heavenly moments; it meant. 
Always, train of laughter by my side:
A habit of every adventurous ride!

Like winter when those twigs fall;
Pains to know that you have left us all.
You are not forgotten, atleast not me,
coz' I view life very differently.
