Sunday, September 24, 2023


By nature's way, in darkness I was kept -
as my spirits grew upward I steadily crept.
The hope to be free started with a fight -
nature's design in place falls just right.

In darkness, against darkness I pushed thru' -
the strength, I guess from my ancestors drew.
Upward I moved against every other odds -
fought the demonly forces with zeal of Gods.

From pod to seed and then a tiny shoot -
while deeper within earth grew my root.
Opposite we moved, objective the same -
two forces hand-in-hand wins the game.

The root's fight is seen in fruits and flowers -
a society strengthens as prosperity showers.
This is how the laws of life eternally sing -
One remains a kingmaker; other remains a king.


Thursday, September 21, 2023


It's no more, the days of being a child -
the mind ran free and dreams were wild.
Curious thoughts of this and that -
playful as kitten and attention of a cat.
Those days of sunshine, rain, heat 'n' cold -
are now dusty treasures in memory's fold.
The joyous days of a wondrous kid -
haughtiness, naughtiness not put to lid.

Crossing over an uncharted barbed fence,
stirred up the thrill - an adventurous sense.
The strongest - who thus made a pledge,
dragged us on a coconut-leaf sledge.
Standing on toes at the muddy pond's ledge -
Reflections of glee ebbing at the edge.
Chasing paper boats over cluttered drains -
some marks of cuts, bruises still remains.

Disobeying parents, getting easily caught -
like a lost war before it was even fought.
Kisses on cheeks, ruler marks on the palm -
reprimands seldom made kids wholly calm.
I see kids with wind blowing on their face -
outstretched arms like wings in playful race.
They now crave today for fame and crown - 
yet their eyes are moist and brows in a frown.


Friday, September 15, 2023


Very few can stand on the brink -
on the lake of immortals and drink.
Be forever on the horizon like stars -
martyrs are born in horrendous wars.

The elite in their stony castles prattle -
while in darkness, unknown names battle.
Commoners easily forget, sadly we let -
heroes of the soil to whom we are in debt.

Supreme is their sacrifice, a chosen fate;
They strain, struggle, fight and eagerly wait.
Salute to those mudlands, rocky terrain -
echoing the voices of divine, immortal men.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023


In the land of coconut, betel and palm -
the mind was free and the wind was calm. 
They knew not wealth but labour they knew -
injustice meted on thousands by a handful few.

As floods sweep over leaving the silt -
hopefuls were given hope, dreams were built.
What remained though after every flood-
landlords squeezed it out in sweat and blood.

Fear out of respect and respect out of fear -
the unjust system pushed them in the rear.
From two meals to one and then had none -
their lives reddened with protest and gun.


Tuesday, September 5, 2023


It is a lonely planet teeming with life
while it's moon spins with silvery light.
Here goodness beholds among inglorious rife -
the moon has patches but is still bright.

In our own backyard we do never look
and so the grass is greener on the other side.
Some remains thirsty while dipped in a brook;
Some in darkness cannot cross the other side.
