Thursday, December 14, 2023


'Still water' always runs into the deep -
some unsaid words are true to keep.
Life, like a gypsy is always on the move -
treading on worries, we need to groove.

The past drags on as a caravan does -
progress is not to think, 'what once was'!
When the emotions of people are put to task -
how words are veiled, (one must ask)!

It's hard to know if one is doing well -
mask on mask, it's really hard to tell.
A sail-less boat taking a lifetime or more -
to reveal it's true self finally on the shore!


Saturday, December 9, 2023


Life is like a sea without its shores -
you push, pull and crawl on all fours.
Troubles like tides will toss and swell -
they reach their peak and thus they fell.

A mountain does not know it's very high -
so in life we ought to keep up the try.
An ocean doesn't know it's dark and deep -
and in life we have lonely secrets to keep.

Once green, a fallen leaf rots on ground -
in life despair and happiness swings around.
A diver will never knows what is in store,
until it reaches the mysterious ocean floor.

One who moves with flow is common man -
so try to wade against waves if you can.
Never be stagnant like rocks on a beach -
spread yourself to your farthest reach.
