Saturday, January 23, 2010

Feminine Independence

Independence of woman or girl on the streets is in a hypocritical situation. We are ourselves to blame! And YES why not! We the men create rules at least with the show-off that it is meant to keep the society in the right pathway. We do complain that the girls of our times are getting inclined to the dress code which is against the society. Can anyone stand up to say what is perfect ? "NO' is the answer. They so called Modern Day Moralist has the tendency to speak in groups and can never accumulate the courage to speak singly. Rules are meant to be rules and so also it should be applied on everybody with the same effect.

So till date is there any person who can point out that rules have been equally applied on men also. NEVER such things were done. A society given birth by women and ruled by men. Hypocrisy indeed! All the stages of a woman from being a mother, wife and daughter are being laughed at when the dress code is being questioned. The complaint that one often comes across is that the dress of the girls especially school to college goers are day by day losing height and becoming smaller. So, is the dress losing grip on the body of the girl or are we men of the civilised society narrowing the outlook on our women. Nothing to argue about, if the person concerned has no problem in wearing a revealing dress then what are we complaining about.

Some literates of our society even go to say that, due to the skin-tight suits and other such garments, crimes relating to girls are ever on the increase. Well, there is no denying that women related crimes are increasing. It is said that exposing oneself bodily leads to vicious attitudes, taunts of the passerby on road and even dishonoring their modesty. So is this solution to be taken for certain that keeping our women wrapped up in clothes is going to prevent crime ? NO! NEVER! This is not reality. The naked reality is that the mentality of men has been derailed from the track, and from that moment onwards the root of crimes were afflicted on women and their living style. True to speak goes the saying, "The society which does not respect its women can never progress". We the majority of men do know the truth but are afraid to state in clear terms the truth before others for fear of being ridiculed. Such is our mental courage and we belong to the gender which rules the society. So there lies the answer of why our society is going to the drain. If covering the entire bodies of girls could have solved the problem then the society ethics of the Taliban Government would not have been rebuked so harshly all over the world.

When covering oneself does not minimize crime and never will be so then surely the problem lies somewhere else. The remnants of our society are indulging in these activities. True to speak when girls are seen with modem day fashionable attire they are taunted and looked down upon. They are not free to, do what they want. Only a few are bold enough to back their own decision. The selfsame men who enjoy seeing the revealing body parts of the opposite gender will themselves never allow their own family girls to do the same ! The reason is simple. They know it best as other girls/women have suffered at their hands. Congratulations to the 'Society of Men' who deserves this bravado.

The society cannot justify its stand of ethics on a flimsy ground as the likes of ‘dress code’. The boys involved in portraying our women as signs of immorality are all the more sick in nature. Are we to believe that the stability and mental strength of the male gender can be crushed on such issue? If so then the alarm bell should be sounded. We are considered to be the protectors of our society! Let not a two metre cloth determine our culture and the concept of viewing our women in society. As we show so does the world see. So, if our actions are not rectified then making the women scapegoats will not be of any use. It is rather a idiotic behavior on the part of men who are stronger then the opposite sex. Perhaps, we men are not strong enough to admit our faults. Talking of giving women independence in all available spheres of life which there male counterparts are involved in, it is seen that very few are able to reach to the top. The rest stray in the way. For Whom ? Who is responsible ? The handful self-declaring intellectuals which comprise our society. In the Spartan society of ancient Greece the women were the rulers and the men the ruled. The only society ever in record to be ruled by only women. The society as historical evidence suggest improved a great lot in comparison to others.

There are innumerous taboos for women in the society at present. Lets take the example of a working woman from a middle-class family. She is the role model of girls who want to prove their mettle and become independent. The intellectuals praise such steps as its leads to economic independence. Take a look at the other side of the coin, how many among us are ready with an open heart to many a working girl. Sorry to say very few, very few will marry and the rest of the males will stick to the age old concept of a perfect housewife. So, that is the reality. It is not that we do not have a strong belief for our women, but that we believe ourselves less, We are short of confidence in sending our women at work places for the majority of the males know better how they take advantage of the feminine gender.

People for whom dishonoring women in one pretext or the other makes them feel masculine just know it, when you point a finger at the opposite sex three fingers are pointed towards you.

Prasenjit Das©1997-2010

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