Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I see sunshine over your shoulders,
stars sleeping on your palm.
My mind is filled with many wonders,
your gesture like a moonlit calm.

I roam alone under the starry night, while
gently on the grass the crickets sing.
Millions of stars give me light,
in the infinite darkness its amazing.

I know you too feel the same, while
the stars fade away with golden light.
Come to me. Come to me dear and smile,
I am a lonely soul alone in the night.

The breeze tells me you are here,
cooing softly like a dove in noon.
Strewn around is your fragrance in air,
that whispers me, - 'I will meet you soon'.


Sunday, April 25, 2010


I like to see a smile emerge from tears,
and would cherish courage out of fears.
A spirited soul and a kind heart,
praise thy hand of God in every art.

Life is not just to breathe and live,
tis about human err and to forgive.
Thy not divine and thus can stoop low,
forgive me if you can, as I said so.

What I feel deeply echoes in me,
put thee hand to thy heart and see.
Do you feel your heart beats in me?
tis my truest possession for eternity.

Purple sky and a pinkish meadow,
all seems real in a blissful shadow.
A wonder to see my love in your gaze,
across silvery water and beyond misty haze.

Tears that roll down from innocent eyes,
born in the heart and on the lips it dies.
From here thee come - tears, sobs and wails,
Oh! Its my heart dear, where your love dwells.

We give our hands to each other awhile,
with a promise etched in your rosy smile.
Betrothed to me in silence for ever after,
thus together we tread on this lovely chapter.



Have you seen nature in glee,
full of life and feeling free?
Each leaf holds the drop of the dew,
known by all but seen by few.

I walk on the gravel with crackling sound,
with an urge of joy so lovingly profound.
I feel so lonely amidst a crowd, but
with nature feel so close in her shroud.

Nature's finery in all her best, is
in the lap of greenery put to rest.
Slowly and steadily the petals unfold,
Feel! Just Feel! It is a joy to behold.

Sunlight through the branches peep,
the beauty is pure and precious to keep.
All around in nature that I enjoy and see,
will one day mingle to dust & so let it be...


Friday, April 23, 2010


What an wonder to behold,
I have seen the Sun rise in gold.
I have watched the dawn in pink,
Colorful ... isn't it amazing when you think?

The leaves in the wind flutter,
tiny insects in the tree holes clutter.
The moon behind the clouds pass by,
the child in me heaves a sigh.

Flowers !! Red, green, orange and blue,
the beauty of nature is for all of you.
In the scorching heat; In the chilling rain,
I remember nature down the memory lane...


Monday, April 19, 2010

Wow !! It Rained Today

The sun was beating down,

& clouds darkened with a frown.
From early dawn till morn nine,
its grave look was just fine.

It was roaming wild and free,
I saw it above the tree.
I knew it would rain, when the
cloud spread allover its luscious mane.

The wind came gushing from miles away,
to and fro the trees did sway.
Down it came with thunderous glee,
Oh! Hold thy moment, let me see.

Come cool pearls & kiss thy eyes,
let me feel please, natures' prize.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Joy To Behold

The first streaks of light,
of the golden morning Sun.
Sometimes, I think if I might,
play with it and have fun.

Locusts, butterflies many more,
flying everywhere all around.
Fluttering merrily, joyous galore,
up and down, circling all around.

Sitting here and sitting there,
depicting such a lovely pair.
Cute 'n' jolly; So rare,
evidently they are happy here...

Prasenjit Das © 1997-2010