Wednesday, August 31, 2011


The twisted and narrow lanes,
made darker with fog so dense.
Like a snake the road winds up,
while I sip coffee from my cup.

World is different from the panes,
made darker with fog so dense.
World parted by a curtain pull,
dream of sunshine blooms in full.

Society ruled for usual gains,
made slippery with daily rains.
Like Goliath thus David rise,
revolt and rebels - hue 'n' cries.

The twisted and narrow men,
thus with utmost fear refrain.
Like a snake the revolt grows,
giving joy like a blooming rose.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Sometimes when I'm left alone,
I just brood on my own.
Alone on my rocking chair,
my fists closed in prayer.

To and fro thoughts sway,
like a jolly kid at play.
The unending kiddish pranks,
like thoughts of all ranks.

Comes and haunt my mind,
like a shadow dark and kind.
I'm not clever like clever men,
who sway every now and then!

I wade against waves and see,
I'm not far from where I'd be.
Times changed from time to time,
Rich - snatching the hungry dime!!

Uhh! The thoughts come and go,
like cheap tears to say so...
Pity! Pity! Unworthy fame!
The rich plays a dirty game.


Monday, August 22, 2011


He tugs and pulls all the while,
carries people mile after mile.
Burning sun or the pouring rain,
he suffers from usual sprain.

His toil, sweat and daily pain,
is for food and not for gain.
He pants, gasps and sighs,
as hope lits in those red eyes.

Money for all the paces ran,
he does as fast as he can.
Rough edges and a raw deal,
he goes on... for a square meal!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It is a moment we treasure,
of respect, beyond measure.
End of bloodshed and exile,
dawn of an era so fragile.

A country with a glorious past,
wrecked within by enemies at last.
Land where the five rivers flow,
innocent were killed and laid low.

Clear water thickened with blood,
not washed by the torrential flood.
Injuries vanish but memories remain,
of an era of slaughter and pain.

Blood like rivers made its course,
while killings went without remorse.
Once lush green now stained in red,
insanity and crime is what we bred.

Hope still lingers like a silver line,
efforts to vanquish is going on fine.
It will vanish - the evil shroud,
liberty will stand and make us proud.



26th July 2011: The next day we were to meet Dr. Prachi patil our chief medical oncologist. Normally, I had the habit of waking up at 8am lately. We needed and early start to avoid the rush and hence an alarm was set at 7am. I awoke at the right time but felt like being in bed for a couple of hours with my head feeling pretty heavy. By 7.30am me and my mother were having tea (I switched to plain liquor tea in the past one year). Tea not one of my regular favourites, still compel me to have atleast one cup a day to keep me rejuvenated. At 9.45 am on tuesday morning I rang up to see if our doctor was already at the OPD after her early morning OT duties. I came to know that our appointment was cancelled and placed on wednesday. It was slightly saddening because I felt I could have slept till my usual hours as the previous day journey was quite a boring one with my mother being frail and shaky while walking. That day we had our quick lunch and went out for the Girgaon Chowpatti Beach. It was cloudy all along and people were few in number (very few tourists and mostly locals). The vendors were not to be seen except for some permanent stalls of panipuri and 'gola' - a local iced drink of multiple flavours of certain fruit concentrate.

After few clicks from my camera, I went towards the edge of the beach where the waves were lashing in full force. As we were nearing the edge, I saw a dark skinned lady selling maize cobs - a sight that makes my appetite stronger! My mom was a bit slow in keeping up with the pace on sand as the feet was sinking quite deep in it. It was the time for high tide already. The lady was all alone near the break water area. She seemed to know the highest extent the water may come up and she was sitting with her back to the sea. My mother chose the smaller variety as she could not savour the bigger variety and I for myself chose the largest! The maize cobs available here are of a sweeter variety in relation to the ones available in our state. It would be interesting to note that a certain variety that comes at a price of Rs.20 in the weekdays comes at double the price on weekends. Those two days are the days of full fledged business and profit making to compensate lesser sale in the weekdays. Apart from the view of seashore (not at all upto my liking) I found that it had ample scope for street photography. My mother's health did not permit me to continue on that line for long. She sat under a big shade-tree some 300 feet away from the edge of the shore. The cool breeze and the diffused light due to cloudy weather was pleasant enough to take a stroll on the wet sands. After relishing some favourite snaps on my cam, I decided it was time to move on.

At around 3 pm we reached our hotel. Since, this is the fourth visit to mumbai in the last 10 months, I have noticed considerable changes in the attitude of the hotel management. Each time they lend us their full support in all possible ways. Once they came to know about the disease that afflicted my mother their co-operation was utmost and handy in all sense of the term. The lengthy 40 mins cab drive weakened mom more and we stayed in for the rest of the day. We had an early dinner and went to sleep with the customary 7am alarm!

Prasenjit ©1997-2011

Monday, August 15, 2011


25th July 2011 : The fourth mumbai trip was scheduled for 25th july. The trip was fixed on 9th june this year. My maa prepared her luggage 2 days in advance but I always have the habit of packing my stuff the night before the journey. My logic was to keep the momentum going. By packing the luggage the night before it occurs to me that by sunrise my journey time would come closer! A mental satisfaction for me. My maternal grandmother is always worried that we may miss out on something. My to-do-list was just right and we reached airport 1 hour prior to departure. After all the necessary clearances our flight took off at 3.25pm on 25th july. We reached kolkata an hour later. We had some refreshments and walked to the security check area. The second flight took off at exact 6pm and we landed at mumbai at 8.15pm local time, 15 mins prior to schedule. The plane passes at 32,000 feet altitude above the dark grey clouds from which the thunder blazes down towards the earth. The plane was travelling way above and the white streaks of light thundering down is a marvel to watch from within the glass panes. While the plane was to land at the airport just a minute from touchdown I saw that the runway was fully wet. The landing was a bit rough and most of the times a slippery runway becomes a cause for great concern for the safety of the passengers.

We collected our luggage and I stood in queue for a prepaid cab. I was informed that I have to purchase the ticket and wait for another half an hour as due to heavy downpour most of the cabs are somewhere out on the road enroute airport. Luckily, going by the clock our cab came within 20 mins and we boarded it and went towards our hotel. The car speeded through the freeway as due to heavy downpour some 30 mins back half the traffic is standing in shelters stil and waiting for a cab/bus to go home. Whenever a traffic signal brought us to a halt, the red rear light of each vehicle glowing at once along the freeway is a sight to watch (ofcourse you should be able to imagine beauty in everything you see!) After 40 mins we reached our destined place and after freshening up and a light dinner, it seemed that the first phase of the journey was over.


Friday, August 12, 2011


The friendship of starlit skies,
beyond which the darkness lies.
Like jewels stacked in ocean bed,
so far away glows the sun in red.

The love of darkness seduces me,
lost in the wilderness for eternity.
If that be the extent of  my love,
tiptoeing on my heart like a dove.
Blessed my soul and gave me peace,
heavenly tranquil! I guess it is!


Saturday, August 6, 2011


Away from town on a cloudy day,
the sun beats down on stacks of hay.
The yesterdays thunder and rain,
filled ponds, washed leaves in vain.

Rays joyfully bounce off the leaves,
while below the tree a widow grieves.
Tears washed in storm and rain,
the widow's life like an empty train.
What a pity! Those pitiful tears!
Frozen and lifeless without fears...
