Wednesday, February 1, 2012


What would be my name,
before I am laid in the grave?
All along life was a game,
both joy and gloom to me it gave.

What would be my name,
before the flames devour me up?
Never did I run after fame,
loved the rain and filled life's cup.

Worthy? Unworthy? Who cares?
Though some blurt with careless eyes.
Hardly matters - who stands up and dares,
and mocks the world full of lies!

What about such people we say,
those who do not judge or ponder?
People who see darkness while its day,
with a garbled mind; Silly! I wonder!

What would I be? A myth?
When I have to meet my destiny...
I have dreams to be happy with,
for the next world like others so many.


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