Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Give Me Some !!

Children are said to be the 'light of the world'. They are the symbol of hope and progress. This does not hold good for the continent of Africa where the term The dark Continent stills hold good for more than one reason ironically! We are in a world where trillions of dollars are spend by MNCs on advertisements to gather revenues and bigshot Arms makers creates the sophisticated weapons of destruction. less than a percent of those spending could have not only fed a large chunk of the current child population anywhere in the world but also could have assured that nutrition was not lagging anywhere at all. We like to look the other way round. That is what we are and that is what we are doing sadly. We talk but never put our words in proper action. We are to understand the concept of getting connected to our own conscience. That being the only bridge towards being selfless and as some say "be able to understand God". What about pricking our conscience a bit? What about giving something to others which maybe of no use to us but may mean a lot to others? Charity begins at home. Let us take a pledge to make a small difference in the lives of our workmaids, servants at home. Having done that, we will realise on our own the true meaning of "Being Human" rather than remaining just a "Human Being".

© Prasenjit Das 1997-2014
Image © mdginafrica.wordpress.com

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