Friday, December 31, 2021


They rejoice, 'It's a happy new year'.
For some, days passed and days came.
They who can't forget fear or tear,
with time tears dried up - is it lame?

They celebrate Christmas every year.
For some it will never be the same.
They who believed in Santa and his peer,
had their emotions bloodied in his name.

They make merry as this year will end,
putting a halt to the promises not kept.
Almighty smiles for the gifts He did send,
while devils in Hell did profusely wept.

Is it all just pitch black and shiny white?
What about shattered hopes and shades of gray?
The cream of society have used it's might,
to torment those who believe in Him and pray.

Prasenjit ©1997-2022

Thursday, December 30, 2021


They lie on the roadside be it rain or sun,
and they work on the roadside too.
They desire a home - they have none,
be it the rain, storm or the loo.

Plastic sheets as roof, alongside the gutter,
unclean water, no food for days on end.
No one voices for them, none does utter
a word of kindness or pity - they have no friend.

Beaten by weather, living in a shack
sickness, misery keep company there.
It's God-forsaken and all it does is lack
humanity for the baby lying nude and bare.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021


The hall is dark and dimly lit,
with silence echoing all around.
This is not a sight for kingly treat,
with history crying in majestic bound.

Yet the sword hasn't rusted still
with the gold handle in full glory.
The aura, the grandeur one can feel,
when reliving the heroic story.

Decades have passed and centuries gone,
the swords still in their sheath remain.
Fame, valour stayed while life moved on,
the swords will be out we don't know when.

The enemies are there on the inside, as
they do not charge in battlefields now.
The people have cried while politicians lied,
to right the wrong the sword will fulfill its vow.


Thursday, December 23, 2021


All around is nothing but just a game -
turmoils, struggles and lots of pain.
All these is needed just to make a name,
to remain forever and not vanish in vain.

Bring it on, toil now, sweat it out
and prepare for the unknown bout.
Face your opponents, see eye to eye -
they would know that the stakes are high.

Do not stop, do not bow as yet, coz'
you have given your all in this bet.
Compel God to stand up from His throne,
thus with respect you shall be known.


Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Gather round comrades, have you won?
Do you think your work here is done?
You are honorable men of pride,
who have always put death aside.

Your courage have always forced it's way,
to hold back the enemies at bay.
Even hell will swallow down its lie
that you were not ever ready to die.

You were never fools who did crave,
the glamour of death and grave.
Some for you cried while some lied,
it is for them that you have died!

The bonfires in your farewell flare,
to salute your daring that is rare.
The smile lasted in your lingering pain,
as soldiers never die on martyrs' lane.


Thursday, December 16, 2021


You razed the old to raise the new,
the roads that were burnt by trusted few.
They put me down and into the deep,
over the ashes of Phoenix none did weep.

It was all but muscle and clout,
that put me down in an unfair bout.
Know this and know this for sure,
my vengeful heart will find it's cure. 

The wind, water and earth heard my cries,
the body is no more, the soul in barren lies.
Every grain of sand like the tears pile,
I will make a mountain - it will take awhile.

Out of the dark, out of the blue
one day I would rise to face you.
Like eternity my wait is quite long,
making right the deeds that went wrong.

I will be back from heaven or from hell,
you have hurt my soul - anyone can tell.
In fire, from ashes with colours it rose,
Phoenix will be back, thus the story goes...
