Saturday, December 31, 2022


In the tea gardens where tribals stay,
the young plants just have their say.
Come winter the grass turns brown
like an old king passing his crown.

When the breeze blows thru' the trees,
tender saplings sway as they please.
With the start of springly sober March;
the hope for new buds herein lurch.

The weeds are poisoned and trampled -
wilting leaves fall and are crumbled.
What is atop is so conveniently seen -
and that in darkness lies, none is keen.


Monday, December 19, 2022


An old dame lived across the street;
to one and all she did smilingly greet.
A homeless though of seventy years -
none ever in her saw grief or tears.

Wrinkled skin, feeble hands, bright eyes
always took passersby in surprise.
She had less to eat and more to feed;
somewhere, someone noted her deed.

No roof overhead, no place to hide
but on Almighty's path she did abide.
The cracked path of cobbled stones
was witness to her pains and groans.

Fed birds from her meagre grains -
inspite of the heat or sultry rains.
The crow, the jay or the magpie
would fly down below from the high.

The puppies, the kittens got their share;
not in skin but in doings she was fair.
Tho' no more, people do visit the street,
an angel who to everyone did lovingly treat.


Friday, December 9, 2022


Beside a small house, is a tall tree -
once was a sapling now grew so free.
An old monk looking through the grills;
prayer flags blowing like curtain frills.

A monastery below the mountain peaks,
where he fed so many hungry beaks.
He never knew from where he came;
found in a bin cast away by a dame.
What a lustful woman wilfully threw -
in a monk's house with love he grew.
With foster parents he grew up fine -
a runt, that so humanely did entwine.
The woman knew not what she lost -
leaving divinity to perish in frost.

Even an oyster does not give its pearl
as all around it does tightly curl.
Somewhere Almighty gave a frown -
in due time a holy soul got his crown.


Monday, December 5, 2022


I dreamt of having living a dream,
in one bright and sunny afternoon sun.
It was like a cloud with golden rim
and it was joy to behold and lots of fun.

When the clouds sail atop the hills -
the flying fog mildly touches my face.
I cannot say what it really feels
as it floats gaily with queenly grace.

Flowers of all shades bloomed in valley
and flocks of sheep grazed nearby.
The gurgling stream was like an alley
and sun beamed through the blue sky.


Monday, November 28, 2022


Some memories to us hold dear
while some are of intense fear.
A sweet and silky midnight's dream,
fills a human mind to the brim.
It's how our actions do express -
putting the mind at ease or stress.

Memories though are sometimes bleak
and some thru' mind's hallway peek.
Thoughts of varied taste and power -
some in sweetness and some sour.
It takes us to our own fairy land
like the wave of a magic wand.
Smoky trails that comets make -
our mind in wander keeps awake.

Mind can delve into the dark gorges
while actions unfold in us as urges.
The dark alleys of our untamed mind
that one often tries to leave behind -
A speeding highway it can surely be
thus fully changing our own destiny.


Friday, November 25, 2022


Bamboos tied together; it floats 
on the clear river water like boats.
The oarsman with no proper oar -
tugs, pulls with all strength he bore.

Dark, oily skin with tiring toned muscles -
breathes in, breathes out life's daily tussles.
Water seeps between those green bamboos
while he is fulfilling a fate he didn't choose.

The tourists on the raft enjoy and smile,
while the oarsman wades mile after mile.


Monday, November 21, 2022


The sky echoes the conch shells' sound,
spreading purity in vastness abound.
Mother Ganges touches the holy stairs -
people find peace in rituals and prayers.

Sins, boons are makings of the mind -
but a holy dip does to Almighty bind.
Fire in aarti burns and the smoke travels;
mysticism, peace over the Ganges unravels.


Sunday, November 20, 2022


Flame! Flame! You have to burn:
Lamp or candle, now it's your turn.
Be it small or big, will matter not -
One life to shine, it's all you got.
Like the wavering of steady fire -
with glowing hue, face wrath and ire.

A drop of molten wax will churn
as a trapped soul suffers in an urn.
The torments that you now bear,
will help others to ease and fare.
A white wick will surely turn black;
It's life teaching an uncanny knack.
As dripping grease gathers at base,
so w'd your experience at end of race.


Friday, November 18, 2022


They came back from the gates of hell;
from their roar and eyes, one can tell.
Warriors they are, from head to toe;
destined for greatness, all must know.

Witness to the rising and setting sun;
There's none like them, there will be none.
They walk a path that few will tread -
In their name their enemies rightly dread.

On this muddy red road they will stay,
but death will stare only once their way.
At last, if even at death they stare -
it will be a pious and passionate prayer.


Saturday, November 5, 2022


How the events like a wheel spins;
stories of have-nots and have-beens.
Turmoils etched in black, in pages;
it's time to turn it over in the coming ages.

Misdeeds kept in the dark for too long -
it's high time to right all the wrong.
Those who laid the foundations bold;
sadly in utter darkness remains untold.
Dreams, sweat, blood, flesh 'n' bones;
our country stands on altar of unknowns.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Is it painful that he is no more?
Sweet, playful childhood days of lore!
'Friends' - from the kindergarten days,
now its shrouded in a tearful haze.
The days that were together spent,
were heavenly moments; it meant. 
Always, train of laughter by my side:
A habit of every adventurous ride!

Like winter when those twigs fall;
Pains to know that you have left us all.
You are not forgotten, atleast not me,
coz' I view life very differently.


Friday, October 28, 2022


A sunny day will surely come
and the gloomy day will pass too.
I can hear my life's ending hum
and I may go away before you do.
Let not your tormenting pain win;
I'm a bloom in memory's garden dear.
Time flies and life has its own spin,
so have no fear and hold your tear.

I do not believe 'The Almighty God',
but I very well know that you do.
So, wait until He gives His nod
and I will be there again with you.
There would be battles to be fought,
which I have unwillingly left halfway.
Go against the waves for that is sought;
there are things in which we have no say.

You would no more see my strides
which we took together in our past.
I would be there in those frothy tides
when like water drops we meet at last.


Thursday, October 27, 2022


Out of the darkness it came,
a vast expanse with no name.
White puffy clouds thus sailing;
'moving sun' from heaven's hailing.

The sky - a canvas of serene blue,
which at night is dark - so true!
The clouds like actions do unfold -
as wind in nature's bidding told.

Purple to orange and crimson red,
the colours change as the sun bade.
The clouds come as cool showers,
kissing the earth and it's flowers.


Monday, October 24, 2022


It is now all grey and white
even in the darkest of the night.
Those Kaneshon and Asagao,
blooms every then and now.

Pink Sakura blossoms of cherry,
makes each day festive and merry.
Pink Camellia and the yellow Peach,
showers beauty in everybody's reach.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022


A tree that will fully turn bare,
before the winter surely comes.
May seem in need of love and care
as nature in its own rhythm hums.

Like soul parting from 'old form'
and thus entering a new shape.
Shedding leaves; Nature's norm -
Like wearing a new mask and cape. 


Monday, October 17, 2022


They work and work; they are tiny -
burrowing tunnels in groups so many.
Nobody here protests and none rants -
tirelessly they work, those worker ants.

Slowly and surely they build a mound,
while their bodies ache and pound.
Biting, gnawing and clawing thru' earth -
a work that started since their birth.

Dead leaves, mud and broken stems;
working on and on with no names.
They roll the balls of clay and dung;
burying deep from where the sprung.



Thursday, October 13, 2022


It was hiding with its mother
by cowering in bushes rather.
The roaring soon echoed nearby
and fear was rising on the high.

The nearby bushes were tall;
covering the deer, fawn and all.
The wind was shrill and howling:
louder was thumping and growling.

The grasses parted, their eyes met;
the deer took the lioness's bait.
'The mother' in the predator rose;
it's how the story of a jungle goes...
A hunter went back; nature's say!
A fawn and mother lived another day.



A poison tree yields poison fruit -
Character etched in its very root.
A poison flower has no friend,
as it wilts and falls at the end.
It has no nectar that is sweet -
It does not to any creature greet.
It's rooted in wrath and in fears, 
while drinking from innocent's tears.
It always has a pretentious smile,
shrouded in cunning tacts and guile.
It's a lifelong shame for the tree,
that it let the flower grow so free.
Poison that spreads in all branches,
untimely weakens the tree and hunches.



Wednesday, October 12, 2022


The deep gurgling, enchanting roar
as the waves lash onto the shore.
The golden sands, the silvery glimmer,
the frothy waves shine and shimmer.
The clouds burst and surrender there,
like tears they fall on wavy layer.
The tides are giants and also low -
Like sun and moon they come and go.
Some broken tree trunks lie here,
witnessing untold beauty so rare.
People of all ages look at the sea -
Perhaps imagining how life should be.
The sun glows and moon shines,
the waves trace out curvy lines.
Sand castles and footprints on beach,
none of it is out of the ocean's reach.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022


To temple we go; From it we come -
The happy devouts do prayers hum.
Faith does strange things -
To some does happiness brings.

They trust not the man beside,
but do believe the idol and abide.
Some touch forehead on temple walls,
while some on chest in faith crawls.

People in queues, large crowds throng -
Souls that surrendered singing His song.
Heat, sweat and pushing up the stairs -
Nudging and trudging reciting prayers.

The chosen few bathe and feed God!
Strange, how Almighty gave the nod.


Monday, October 10, 2022


It is grand, it is on the high -
It is what we must abide by.
Sacrifices, martyrs, spilt blood -
History etched in saffron mud.

We know of truth, purity and might,
painted in timeless sheen of white.
Faith, fertility, growth can be seen, 
wrapped in eternal canvas of green.

A blue wheel at the very core, 
for qualities our fathers bore.
Soul of our country in tri-colour, 
talks of known and unknown valour.


Tuesday, September 27, 2022


The hedge slowly grew free
under the shade of the tree.
Undergrowth in woodland bare,
which seems to need utmost care.

Many termites lived in the fence -
None knew from when or whence.
The red ants lived in holes deep
from where the sun sometimes peep.

The spider made its own lair,
from boughs hanging bare.
Loved it's life in shade of trees
with occasional sunshine and breeze.


Friday, September 23, 2022


The fresh garlands of today,
that fully adorns the deity.
When dry, will have no say -
Be thrown away with no pity.

Bud at night will be in bloom -
Be with chants in a holy way.
The next day swept with broom
and further on they cannot stay.

Deity like time remains the same,
while men like flowers come and go.
Flowers their aroma, men their fame;
Those are carved in time, we know.


Thursday, September 22, 2022


Commoners should hear the speech -
A leader in everybody's reach.
Unveiling a politician's disguise -
Thus building deep-rooted ties.
Words uttered in a truthful tone
helps a leader to stand - even alone.

It must be by all leaders learned -
With time respect is to be earned.
When one day everything ends -
What remains are faithful friends.



The baby from its cradle peeps -
In it's mother's lap it sleeps.
The warmth of a mother's arms,
surpasses all heavenly charms.
It vanishes - 'all the gloom',
as the baby's smile bloom.


Saturday, September 17, 2022


An eagle's nest atop a tree -
The howling winds blew so free.
Along a valley this big Oak;
The meandering river to it spoke.

Water gurgling over pebbles there -
The eagle would minutely stare.
Skies changed from blue to grey -
The eagle never missed its prey.

In nature, this is of no surprise -
To survive, how hard the eagle tries.
The eagle was sheltered by the Oak -
In silence, a trust that never broke.



Let's take a walk down memory lane,
those golden moments together again.
Once a child, now a grown man,
recollecting the past seasons' span.

A man and his sweet childhood,
together on weekend day to brood.
Remembering days with parents spent -
How fleeting time so untimely went.

I want to live again my boyhood days -
Escape this rat-race in whatever ways.
Father, mother 'n' my dear sweet home -
Even though a dream, I happily roam!


Friday, September 16, 2022


Bud blooms in due time
Impatient men want it quick
Just catastrophe



Empty your pitcher, let it flow -
Spill the last drop however slow.
Vacant mind is able to view
with time those very ideas new.

Times change; ideas come and go -
Thus a curious mind must know.
Stale water lets the moss settle -
Keeping in dark a man's true mettle.

Never get stuck at pitcher's neck -
There are shackles you need to break.
Never let the past hold you back
else you would be one of rotten pack.

Let the sun on the water glimmer,
as ideas the same in brain shimmer.
Pitcher in sun; the pores are dry -
Even in bad shape keep up your try.


Thursday, September 15, 2022


It is hot inside
Cold rain falls above the earth
Turmoils exist here



Lines to paras done
Page after page already done
Novel incomplete



The temple bells sounded in eve
and an old couple got ready to leave.
The gateman was standing there,
as it was the couple's daily fare.

Hand in hand they crossed the road -
Seeing both ways, carefully strode.
Greeted by aroma of the incense
as they crossed the temple fence.

They sat; heavenly conch sounded -
How people to faith are bounded!
They looked around, not the figurine -
Imagined how life could have been!

They felt lonely, alone in the crowd -
Those dripping tears cried out loud.
The wrinkled palms hoped for a hand
of the son who lives on foreign land!


Wednesday, September 14, 2022


They told the widowed mother,
(though it maybe untruth rather.)
"That her son travelled west -
It was all the villagers guessed.

Heart in despair, eyes in tears filled -
Her belief did not on rumour build.
Far as sobbing eyes could gaze -
She counted her passing lonely days.

Seasons passed, she became old -
One day her son came to her fold.
Many winters came by and went -
Her lonely days were in prayers spent.

The ascetic son now live on alms,
given to him by some holy palms.
Sacred thy womb, Godly those mothers,
whose saintly son do care for others.



There are protests high and low,
for promises that politicians owe.
The leaders are the same all over,
building bridges on unseen river!

They squeeze out every penny
until the poor do not have any.
Being pushed, back to the wall -
They would fight before they fall.

An empty gut and a sad heart -
This is how all rebellions start.
In two classes, society is torn -
This is how protests are born.

Not enough that a torch is lit -
Every man must do his bit.
Flame must be there, always burn -
A holy sacrifice, in each one's turn.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022


Its whole world is in a coil
and has a home of its own.
It trudges in unending toil
and thus how it is known.

It bathes in crystal dew
that falls from blade of grass.
In time refreshes itself anew
and it's shell shiny as brass.

Sometimes, ants walk upto him -
Tells stories of the outside world.
He crawls out of shell's rim
and then lays back softly curled.


Monday, September 12, 2022


There ran a long barbed fence
stretching through a forest dense.
There were guards on either side -
Dawn or dusk, always to duty abide.
A squirrel lived in a tree trunk hole
who to the other side took a stroll.
Thumping boot marched both ways -
He remained aloof from vigilant gaze.

He met his friends on the other side
who did to him a secret confide.
His friend whispered into his ear -
"Listen to me without any fear.
The cause of the humans' downfall
is, they don't trust each other at all.


Sunday, September 11, 2022


Thoughts come and thoughts go
Line after line I rewrite
Then comes on paper



Scene inside beehive
Wings flutter and buzz all time
Toil, hum and sweetness



One earthen lamp lit
No heat, just spreading the light
Big deeds start so small



A world in a dew
Every dewdrop has a life
A life of struggle



Petals that came first
Always fall down earlier
Strengthening future



Time changed into years
More experience was gained
Age more than seasons.



"Expectations leave the heart,
long before soul leaves the body"


Friday, September 9, 2022


The canvas is dark with white dots -
below awakens the forget-me-nots.
Indigo to crimson changes the shade
as golden hue falls on the green glade.

The sky morphs from orange to blue
being an invitation of the morning hue.
Time thus rolls and the earth spins
since the globe on its axis leans.

The glimmer changed to a glow
as yellow light like river flow.
As heat falls and the time flies,
dusk gives way to the starry skies.


Thursday, September 8, 2022


Chilling flow of all winters
helps to lit up the splinters.
Before that, the autumn blew;
The dead and red leaves flew.

Let me walk here with no friend;
A path of yellow leaves; No end...
Listen to the dead leaves chatter -
Full of life! Whisper and pratter!

There is life I see, all way along -
Humming and chanting life's song.
I want to go into the deep unknown
where the seeds of nature is sown.



The clouds over the plains loom,
yellow daisies sway in the breeze.
Silver lining behind every gloom,
helps us to go on and live at ease.

Thunder like an uncertainty hits -
Still stands there, tall betel trees.
Mind must come out of dark pits -
Live life to its full as one please.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022


We cannot run through shadows
even though the path remains.
Not all grass gives green meadows
though the earth has raindrop stains.
Not all trees in storms do bend 
and not all men in troubles do drown.
Some seedlings do thunder fend 
while some men deserve a crown.

We are entangled in a web
made by the heart and the mind.
Each to us, their own ideas gave;
Blinded by light, truth is hard to find.
We have created our own hell
while flowers blossom near our feet.
One's own mistakes, hard to tell -
When we and our conscience meet!

Let some clouds cover the moon -
You may fail; keep up your tries.
Good times will come very soon,
so in darkness follow the fireflies.



When clouds before sun bows
he readies fodder for the cows.
His loyal pet at the gate greets
knowing that he brought treats.
His wife tends to bleat 'n' cluck -
Their toil erased their ill-luck.

Hand-in-hand they together toil -
Hoeing and ploughing the soil.
Not much they have, but glad
as they see future in their lad.
They go hungry in single meal
so that the son can have his fill.
Silent sacrifices are not rare
for people who dream to dare.



With the hue of the sun,
his duty on the boat begun.
Casting nets wide apart -
From youth, a practised art.

On a bamboo raft at ease,
throwing nets as he please.
The pond is his whole world -
Curled nets artfully hurled.

His life confined to the pond -
Sweats, toils for familial bond.
From big to any fishes small -
For a living he catches them all.


Monday, September 5, 2022


Sweet summer shower
Labourers working in heat
Thoughts and real life



Started from home, westward bound -
Sailing far away all year round.
Leaving his loved ones in remorse -
His mind now on a charted course.
Blazing thunder behind clouds peep
as the ship moved into waters deep.

Troubled mind; foamy, raging  waters -
His family to him is all that matters.
Food of hard bread and salted meat -
Missing his family, heart skips a beat.
He would go to unknown regions afar -
Anxious about how his old parents are.
He hopes to earn riches and gold 
and finally return to his family's fold.


Saturday, September 3, 2022


In an old house
lived a furry mouse.
A vacant room lie
on the loft above high.
The walls are thick
laden with red brick.
Made its own pillow
in termite torn willow.
The white main door
which was used before.
It was orderly kept
where a mouse now slept.
Once bright sunlit room
now filled with gloom.
In past, joyous tone
none remains, all alone.
None here to shed tears,
for resident of past years.

Isn't it strange?
How time swiftly change!



She waited behind the grasses tall,
an unlucky deer was destined to fall.
Eyes wide alert, mind engaged -
Muscles purely in rhythm, undazed!

Scent of prey came with windy puff
while back in hiding the cubs chuff.
The fleet foots were grazing, unaware 
while a mother fixed her killing glare!

It felt like calm before a storm -
For survival, it's the jungle's norm.
Then in open, she swiftly darted out -
Blood gushed like fountain spout!

A mother succeeded, another one failed -
Few suckled milk, while another wailed.
Nature thus chooses whom to kill -
So others can have their stomach fill!



A white canvas, made more whiter
to let everything shine much brighter.
When colours on the canvas dab,
with imagination that painters have.

Let some waves crash on the shore, 

a setting sun; beauty in peak galore!

Let there be, some grey puffy clouds

flying across like magic velvety shrouds.

I want to see a landscape of rainbow -

You can do this, I very well know.

Etch yellow tulips bending in the breeze -

I like the wind to sway them in ease.

If you have on canvas, 'the spring' -

Details to the top you must bring.

If you stain the shades of autumn -

'The colors of fall' are at the bottom.


Friday, September 2, 2022


The doormat on outside lies
while the carpet is cozy inside.
In between a high wall rise
while each to their work abide.

In our society we see the same -
The highs and lows are wide apart.
The deserving live in dark shame -
One with golden spoon throws dart.


Thursday, September 1, 2022


The sun is up in the sky -
It will be down at horizon's meet.
From darkness the moon goes high -
It will thus, to the golden ball greet.

Unseen remains the moon in day
but in night is in silvery bloom.
It's beauty - no words can weigh
when behind grey clouds it's in gloom.

The moon, of the sun's greatness speak -
The sun showers a speck of its light.
The moon's joy is now at its peak
and showers gold with all its might.



Some to Almighty pray
in devotion, folded palm.
So that faith do not stray -
Trying to attain inner calm.

Be it temple, mosque or church,
faith should bind us all.
Truth we seek, truth we search -
Before we leave on final call.



Haiku does not rhyme
Here, it tells a big story
Full concentration
