Monday, January 31, 2022

LIFE ...

From dough to bread
in oven thus made.
From home to field
farmers always yield.
From lap to shroud
soldiers make us proud.
From waterfall to sea
is how life should be.

Be like a boat
always try to float.
Spread out your palm
and feel turmoils in calm.
Soar like a dove
beyond clouds and above. 
Arrow finds its mark
so tread on in dark. 

At the end is light
it's yours after a fight.
In your life till death
feed on honest breath.


Sunday, January 30, 2022


Uncrowned day
come; you may.
Unmaligned mind -
differences behind.
What we sow,
thus we owe.
What goes round,
comes around.
Bad deeds bite -
my insight.
Mind so mild -
like a child.
Left the toy - 
became a boy.
Sacrifice? Can you?
Such men are few.
Experienced 'n' old -
human in gold.



Wipe your tears -
drop all your fears.
Hold onto fast -
victory will be at last.
Innocent and meek -
is what we seek.

Up from your chair -
out from your lair.
New man be born -
the world will adorn.
Be up on your feet -
Yes! We will defeat.

Down came despot -
by the common lot.
Freedom be our goal -
the core of my soul.
Freedom we search -
for freedom we march.


Saturday, January 29, 2022


They move on daily, tired feet -
going thru' motions like a fleet.
Their life like ants of utmost pity -
those small people of such a big city.

They are of shades in dark and brown -
while the whites look upon with a frown.
Work all day long, no food is served!
Your blood doesn't boil? Unnerved?

Glide thru', follow your dream -
now can one kill a joyful stream?
From your palaces look at the slums -
revolt is stewing like beating of drums.

Hold up the torch, join your arms -
raze to the ground those Devil's farms.
They who killed you in your houses -
will now scream when vengeance arouses.

Now they move with jubilant feet -
living life in every joyous heart's beat.
People of all colours will be alike -
'A Goliath' will fall when 'A David' strike!



I see the world ...
I wake up in a gloomy face -
and I'm forced to see:
The high walls and narrow space
that is given to me.

I see the mighty walls ...
People on both sides, dark face -
This is all I must know
that these walls hold no grace
and will have to go.

I see my ownself ...
I am no longer blind - 
I feel what my hands can make,
the country that's in my mind.
Come On! Quick! Heaven's sake,
Come together! Unite! Bind!


Friday, January 28, 2022


The pit is humid, dark and deep
while miners with lights carry on.
Gulping water in measured sip,
singing merrily, in the blackness gone.

They work with fork, shovel and hammer,
while warm sweat like blood flow.
A life devoid of light or glamour,
yet they bring out gems that glow.



I am no God,
don't treat me as one!
I haven't seen any,
hence believe in none.
I like to argue, now
it's your turn to make.
I'm an atheist,
for arguments' sake!


Thursday, January 27, 2022


From a small plant to a shady tree,
I grew up so huge and free.
Squirrels and an owl lived here.
Oh! What a joy, I can't compare.

The squirrels scampered up 'n' down,
the owl stayed still in feathery gown.
They stayed with me, loved me - all.
Those were happy times before winter fall.

I turned from green to yellow - nature's sake.
Their love was hollow, void and fake.
All left; The last to leave was the owl
who seemed wise but played me foul.

Here now the lonely 'ME' in barren lies,
'my sighs' remain while cutting worldly ties.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022


What is your mood today,
O' rumbling cloudy sky?
A bit of time, come and stay
and let's talk - you and I.

Why do you thunder,
when pearls from high fell?
From beyond clouds yonder 
let me know - pray do tell.

Prasenjit ©1997-2022


Is the winter cold for you scary
when the year begins in January?
Ever thought of a walk on a prairie
when winter fades away in February?
How new ventures would want search
while spring would end in March?
Ever did imagine a new thrill
in the pleasant month of April?

What can one really say
about the sweet memories of May?
Why does time fly away so soon
in the sultry summers of June?
Why do rain reach us from high
during summer's cold in July?
Wondered how the storms gust
in the time of torrid August?

How does hope live like an ember
in the warmth of coming September?
How can joyous notes be far
in the grand festivals of October?
How does old age turn sober
in the misty chills of November?
How have you judged me so far
when snow runs deep in December?


Tuesday, January 25, 2022


The immortal trio of glorious 1931,
shook the Brits, the dawn of setting sun!

Made tremors, sent chills down the spine

while in uproar and protest people broke line.

The sons of the soil hung from the noose,

matter of pride - the life they choose.

The uncut gems, so early snatched,

while their valour and love remains unmatched.


Monday, January 24, 2022


Together in the orchard I grew,
of promised sweetness and lovely hue.
Spreading of petals, from seed and then me,
I dreamt of this as every expectant be!

I battered rain, hailstorms and the sun,
like a dream it was so much fun!
Mockingly came the twist of fate,
the purity of my soul, my Creator met.

I fell to the ground, my scarred skin,
my cries never heard by my next of kin.
Orchard like the society discarded me,
my tears dried and wails echo in eternity.


Sunday, January 23, 2022


There were promises the king broke,
while bodies reeled from sabre stroke.
While he was supposed to be God for all,
lived on his ego and journeyed to his fall.

He who promised all equally - the grains,
snatched it all after halting of rains.
No one uttered a hue or a cry,
the shiny sword deterred not to try.

Women, children tormented all alike,
hung from fort walls on a spike.
He who thought, 'Everything is mine',
got intoxicated in blood and wine.

Down came his fall like winter snow,
outcome of tyranny as the world may know.
Vengeance overflowed, so did the cries,
in history this is how rebellions rise.


Saturday, January 22, 2022


She was a Queen who wore a crown
and reigned on skin dark and brown.
Slaves toiled, yet her men whipped them.
It went on for centuries, this bloody game.

Sweat, blood and tears fell on the grass,
none saw, none heard the echoes, Alas!
The surviving women, children were few,
those tormented tears fell like winter dew.

Those who didn't bow before the crown,
were doomed to Hell in a raging frown.
The Lord must have bowed in shame,
for the ghastly deeds in Queen's name.

Wake up! What is this sleep befallen on you,
where enormity is tormented by the few?
Unfold your arms, look on with steady eyes,
and let revolt usurp the throne in surprise!


Friday, January 21, 2022


My thoughts while I was cremating my mother.

All around the fiery ashes flew,
some in water and some in air.
Seemed like my parents' call - I knew
life was always cruel and unfair.

Up and beyond the cloudy coat
where birds glide and freely sail.
Seemed like my parents there - I note
in next life they're happy without fail.

All around fear and lonely tears
the only wealth when we parted ways.
It's how fate mocks and irony jeers
as I start my journey of lonely days.


Monday, January 17, 2022


Children, teaching and school
was all in life that he knew.
Books and copies his only tool,
loved by all and known by few.

From warm youth to aging cold,
from his dawn till His sun set.
A new spring came we were told
but a Man like him - I never met.

Punctuality, discipline, humanity
was what we always adored in him.
He was as such till the end in clarity
- gave life back filled to the brim.


Saturday, January 15, 2022


I am as soft as softness could be
yet I give you all warmth and heat.
I'm the beacon so that you may see,
for the weary traveller when I'm lit.

I feel pride in the way I live,
melting my heart bit by bit.
Thus, hope and light is what I give
and fade in darkness - a kingly treat.

Part of me gather at my feet
while the rest spiral in misty air.
I bow to my own self and greet
as I'm no more - keep me in your prayer.


Friday, January 14, 2022


Festivities come and festivities go
in a country of a billion and more.
We will reap what we did sow,
when karma comes knocking at the door.

Joyous mood and war ravaged places,
we as countrymen will have to face.
Cheerful are few while girls in torn dresses,
were battered in the dark in disgrace.

Neither the bruise fades not the pain,
while people get on with their lives.
We can't see their tears in the shallow rain,
they are in the dark while country thrives.



The colouring pens are there
together in my pen stand.
Some common colours, some rare
- together they are the rainbow band.

Some used whereas others lack touch,
while some are eager to be of use.
Profound colours - not of use so much
while the others are unwilling to refuse.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022


People often ask, 'Why do you write?'
It's a tale of my mind - the internal fight.
This is not all that I have to say,
coz' it's a line between yay or nay.

The lively moment fresh as the dew
would pass onto the thin air.
I want to relish them as forever new
and freeze eternally those moments rare.

I'm asked, 'What is it I want to tell
about an wounded heart and battered soul?'
Oh! Those were the circumstances I fell,
I'm still up - time couldn't take its toll!

Not all rise and fall are ever told,
where one life is not too much time.
It's good to have fear and still be bold.
This is how in life and poetry I rhyme.


Saturday, January 8, 2022


Why not reach out for the stars
and make it our abode of peace?
The journey thru' heaven will be ours,
leaving our home we would surely miss.

Bidding 'goodbye' to the silvery moon,
we would aim and race for the stars.
Journeying endlessly night to noon,
shattering all hurdles and mental bars.

Injustice, selfishness - leaving them all,
making a new start - home away from home.
Do we need them - its our only call
to be somewhere where we can freely roam.

Money maybe scarce, we need one another
when we may falter or we may fail.
Atleast in peace than in turmoil rather,
growing old together, having a tale to tell.


Thursday, January 6, 2022


The lion emblem stands high,
marking the pride of ages gone.
The spirit enthralls the blue sky,
Millenias passed, the lions look on.

They guard on the cardinals four
- confidence, courage, power and pride.
Time didn't mellow the fierce roar
- pushed back those with villainous stride.

From the pillar to our conscience,
we need the lions in our lives.
No man may trip over guilt's fence,
suppressing con - thus the pros thrives.

Can we not hear the lion's call?
Have morals turned into fossils now?
A blinding darkness grips us all,
show your self, so that the world may bow.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022


The warrior returned home, his horse
too blood soaked and battle scarred.
Arrow marks on his chest, sans remorse
in sadness sung gleefully by the bard.

The child would know of his father
through feats of heroism and valour.
Armour stains would tell him rather,
heroism surpasses the rainbow's colour.

His son's joy, giggles, laughter and smile
is now a story of the era that's past.
The baby will be a man in the meanwhile,
starting a proud story that will forever last.


Monday, January 3, 2022


The cobbled paths, steep walls,
dark alleys today still stands.
Testimony to the battles, wars 
by the marching bands.

The nightime watch, daytime stress,
all efforts to halt the enemy's race.
Constant gaze as far as eye sees,
from the tower till beyond the trees.

Standing sharp with sword and spear,
ready to defend from front or rear.
Kings rose and Kings did fall,
the valour of the guard still stands tall.


Sunday, January 2, 2022


The road that I am walking on
and the life that passes by me.
Passerbys left and already gone
but the 'I' in myself didn't flee.

It's not time to rest, onward I go
rocky paths, muddy roads - trudging on.
'I' have to move on so that I may know
the pearls of wisdom to pass the baton.

I may run or crawl on the thoroughfare,
while others may have a warm home.
Ready to face sun, snow or nightmare,
my struggle is forever, my illusion is to roam.
