Thursday, May 18, 2023


Chunks of ice gave way to lively rivers -
flooding, giving birth to green plains.
Humans defiled those eternal life givers
and yet the story remains ...

The big, slyly overpowers the weak
only for their own material gains.
Through millennium revolts of the meek
and yet the story remains ...

We took away what our earth gave
while pretending not to see those stains.
Humans could not thus humanity save
and yet the story remains ...

Empires crumbled, which once was raised
to rule and hold the poor in reins.
The proud kings from memory, just erased
and yet the story remains ...

Nature will take back what was stolen -
it will one day break away the chains.
Men will be no more - those fallen
and yet the earth remains ...


Sunday, May 14, 2023


A war is always going on in all spheres -
the eyes never run dry due to flowing tears.
Loss on both sides, while none of them win -
quarrels stop, quarrels stay and some begin.
Some listen, some justify, some condemn -
A huge loss defines profit for some of them.
It would have been a really great sight,
being able to see a star-studded night!
What is it I see now on those plains?
Bullet-riddled bodies are all that remains!
Those on orders fought for the land -
are martyrs now, immortal they stand.
Lost in battles are not only the lives 
but loving parents, children and wives.
Somewhere in a hall a treaty is signed -
it mattered not whose fate thus resigned...
It is very hard to recognise your foe;
borders are not, we all must surely know.
Ever did thought how tragic is this,
a child missing the love of father's kiss?
Each family united in loss of others -
till last they remained like band of brothers.
Politicians spewing hate, playing their parts -
who never thought to mend broken hearts.
Through darkness let our conscience arise -
when glimmer of hope meets a child's eyes.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023


The boulders we see of the yesteryear -
will surely break down into stones.
All we need is to overcome our fear 
and ignore the pains and moans. 

A bit of our small effort, all the time 
will deliver to us the desired wish.
If we slip, we must keep up the climb;
the fire within will provide the dish.

Slow trickle will always make a stream -
Believe! Such rivers will never run dry.
Give up comfort to fulfill your dream -
people always flourish with an honest try.
