Sunday, May 14, 2023


A war is always going on in all spheres -
the eyes never run dry due to flowing tears.
Loss on both sides, while none of them win -
quarrels stop, quarrels stay and some begin.
Some listen, some justify, some condemn -
A huge loss defines profit for some of them.
It would have been a really great sight,
being able to see a star-studded night!
What is it I see now on those plains?
Bullet-riddled bodies are all that remains!
Those on orders fought for the land -
are martyrs now, immortal they stand.
Lost in battles are not only the lives 
but loving parents, children and wives.
Somewhere in a hall a treaty is signed -
it mattered not whose fate thus resigned...
It is very hard to recognise your foe;
borders are not, we all must surely know.
Ever did thought how tragic is this,
a child missing the love of father's kiss?
Each family united in loss of others -
till last they remained like band of brothers.
Politicians spewing hate, playing their parts -
who never thought to mend broken hearts.
Through darkness let our conscience arise -
when glimmer of hope meets a child's eyes.


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