Saturday, July 1, 2023


When is it that we have grown old
and think that the days of youth are over?
Is it just that the skin wrinkle and fold,
while joyous days in mind hum and hover?
Life is not just the eclipses and long years -
nor the gloomy and grey dark days.
It was not of our gain, tears or our fears -
but about the hopeful, bright, elegant rays.
Treat those calm nights and bright days,
as a chance to live on motherly earth.
Being reborn in so many blissful ways -
let deeds welcome vagabonds to my hearth.
There are hands that will always pray,
better - be the hands that put out aid.
Give them hope, a speck of positive ray,
better - do as one conscious human bade.
There comes a time you will finally know,
that you have fully done your bidding.
Others will prosper from what you sow -
the inactions are no more - by your ridding.
Life is like walking along the roaring beach -
one feet in water, the other on sand.
There are so many hearts we need to reach -
it is possible when we walk hand-in-hand.
Yes, one day my time will surely end 
and I would know I loyally did my part.
Smile towards the horizon as darkness bend,
this is life flowing and that is its art.


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