Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Drooping heads and spread out palms -
know this, its for justice, not for alms!
The fingers have clenched into a fist -
like raindrops joining silently in mist!

Political doings are the scum of gutter -  
once whisperers, now they publicly mutter!
Those incessant tears, now the slowly roll - 
know that all eyes are still on the goal!

'Marrow of the State' slowly got rotten -
values, ethics, greatness - all forgotten!
As the logs of the old bungalow creaks -
the system with time slowly breaks.

The deaf will hear the suppressed groan -
shoulder your duties, challenge the throne!
Let it dwindle, ruin, crumble and then fall -
hasten the process by joining hands with all!


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