Saturday, March 25, 2023


"Always be like the flame, it's burning -
just like the wheel, it's always turning.
Doubts will creep as a flame will flicker -
rise above the common and never bicker.
Never be a dealer in pride and lies,
as it leads to downfall for the unwise.
Follow your heart and be it's master,
like an unique gem show your lustre.

Moments may come, you lose your cool -
let time, truth be your shield and tool.
Accept your fate as your only boss,
who may dictate your life's win or loss.
Friends like blooms may stay or be gone;
just cherish them and do not hold on.

As you read these lines, my darling son,
I would be gone, while you alone run.
Let my last advice be my eternal touch -
Remember, that I loved you very much."


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