Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The cries from the dust echoes still,
across the plains and beyond the hill.
All over blood stained battleground,
and the dead son still not found.

Many a son and many a husband,
of the troops huddled together as one.
With tear filled eyes the mother, and
wife now searching the 'gone'.

The eyes could not believe,
can God to disciples deceive?
The mind could not see,
how this could happen to thee?

They saw the martyr husband,
they saw the fighter son.
Who fought like a daring band,
and is now forever gone.

The light of their life,
the only pillar in their strife.
How God can be so cruel?
to take away a young, in this duel.

A note in her son's pocket reads,
"Tell them not to mourn in sorrow,
for we have given our today,
for their golden tomorrow".

Cried the mother while wailing,
"Where are you God?
where are you dwelling?"

Whispered the soul of the son,
"Go back home Mother, go back, go...
Know this - God has died long ago".

- Prasenjit Das © 97-99

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