Tuesday, May 19, 2009


A journey by toy train,

amidst dense fog and slight rain.

Across the face the fog sails,

it leaves water on the iron rails.

Each drop is a beauty of a lifetime,

and the next drop says the same rhyme.

The elders and children alike,

prefer train instead of bike.

Watch contently the beauties galore,

breaking silence with engine roar.

Moving between the gorge and the hill,

will compel every human to feel.

“No such place, no place as such,

I will come again, I like it very much.”

Frequent stops and occasional backs,

as it adjusts for the right tracks.

Nothing to hurry as life is not so fast,

you will reach your place surely at last.

For any person, a journey of nostalgia,

as the train slopes to Tindharia.

Cutting across roads, in front of homes,

with slight visibility of the temple domes.

A heritage journey as it would seem,

to today’s diesel from yesterday’s steam.

- Prasenjit Das © 97-99

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