Saturday, October 7, 2023


Along the banks of the meandering river,
the sun barred by the canopy of the trees.
From immemorial times flowing, a life giver -
made mark on land as it may please.

From swallows to herons and even cranes -
land of vipers, alligators or even turtle -
their path never cross on carefree lanes -
faced ravaging weather, yet kept the myrtle.

Lively chirps to humming or even the buzz,
is in itself an unique world of its own.
Ruthless or coy in peaceful living does,
creatures of less intellect in harmony known.

Lesser beings, sharper brain made the ploy;
A barbaric democracy - yet the world  is proud.
A boy at apex made the country his toy -
we have no 'We' but innumerous 'Me' in crowd.


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