Saturday, October 14, 2023


Sins upon sins and repressive power -
deep gurgling within worsening by hour.
There's no respect in slashing of swords -
all that remains are murderous hordes.
Savagery unbound and sans the guilt -
forces an innocent's grip on the hilt.
The mind is at battle before the war begun -
once had homes, now nomads on the run.
Innocents take up weapons with a sigh -
when flashes of death rains from the sky.
When the roots are hit, thus falls a tree -
as the branches wilt, the birds are free.
Night adorned in fire, day in smoky cloak -
seems the angel of death has finally spoke.
It's a pity how death whispers to all,
as the weaklings rise and the mighty fall!
As a sick man swallows a bitter pill -
no mercy for a disease one has to kill.
History tells, David struck Goliath down -
sour truth becomes the talk of the town.
Once crossed the sea, now never again -
as sheep never chases a lion out of its den.



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