Friday, October 13, 2023


Lions and hyenas live on the same fields -
yet on hideous attack, the other yields.
They come out of bushes tasting blood -
their heinous nature overflow like flood.
They howl and cackle as their nature be -
kill and maim cubs; starting dark mutiny.
Unwritten truce broken by a heinous act -
between lions and hyenas there's no pact!
Weapon of the wicked is to kill and run;
A raging lions stands - the war just begun.
In a fool's paradise they claw and bite -
an unforgiving cruelty to show one's might.
To kill a cub is to kill a future king -
the hyenas on their own did misery bring.
The 'pride of lions' will uphold it's pride -
it's going to be one messy, bloody ride.
There's a line betwixt martyrs and dead -
the lion would then do as destiny bade.
Prides would tear through enemy's pack -
revealing supremacy in an uncanny knack.
The first killers can't be victims - no more;
jungle's law resounding in the lion's roar.
A lion is a king in the Almighty's name -
the jungle we knew, w'd never be the same.



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