Monday, May 16, 2011


When he woke up Subha found a watchman was pushing him.  The last nights’ incident was still fresh in his mind. He asked if Dr. Ajitesh has already left for the dispensary to attend patients. Instead of replying him, he was asked how he entered the bungalow.  Subha replied that Dr. Ajitesh opened the door for him and that he was with him the whole night. The watchman was startled. He said, ‘No, sahib perhaps you were too much drunk or dreaming. It is not possible.’ To prove that Subha was right he showed the empty wine glasses and also the bottle nearby on the table. The torn packet of toast bread was lying near the kitchen dustbin. All these went to prove that Subha was not wrong. He was adamant on his point of evidence. The watchman sat down on the already cracked staircase that leads to the verandah of the bungalow. His hands were supporting his forehead and he was deep in thought. Subha enquired, and he said that while Dr. Ajitesh was returning one night from a nearby Panchayat Pradhan’s house, he was killed by a wild pig. This incident happened six months ago. The watchman kept on repeating that it did not harm me because the spirit was trying to find someone who would give the whole incident a patient hearing and sympathize with it. Maybe after that the spirit may find eternal solace. Subha realized bit by bit now, that the ring was borne by the spirit of Mita Dey, whose thirst for her ornaments never let it be snatched from her by any other person, not even her own husband. The Jeweler and the doctor were all the various forms of the spirit of Mita Dey. The watchman also said that the villagers here around say that they have heard cries of a woman at night, but seen nobody till date. Subha was nearly out of his mind was not able to come to terms with the fact that he was listening to the story of a spirit from the selfsame spirit itself. His body hairs stood erect on end. 

After he recovered from the shock he made his face of that of a calm person lest the watchman would think that he is a coward. Subha went inside and bought his luggage and stepped on the verandah. His shoe steps last night was still prominent on the stairs as the verandah was filled with dust. It gave an indication that no one has stepped here for months on end after the tragic death of Dr. Ajitesh, his host last night. The watchman asked, ‘Sahib, would you meet the new doctor posted here? He will come in about four hours from now on.’ Subha would have stayed back but suddenly his mind was filled with a deep rooted fear because God only knows what the new doctor has in store for him! He declined the offer and strapping the luggage on his shoulder he stepped down from the stairs.

The sun was gleaming from behind the clouds. He was walking alone towards the nearest bus stand ten miles away. 


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