Sunday, May 30, 2010


Did you ever sit on a sandy beach,
while the moon comes down to preach.
On warm sand with toes digging in,
with salty water and air so thin.

Did you ever lend ears to rocks,
and hear the past as it mocks.
The gurgling, murmurs and all,
as waves splash and then fall.

Waves leave a patch on sand,
come lets walk - take my hand.
No talk, no stare, we just walk on,
as the sun sets on the horizon.

We are silent, we are slow,
as the setting sun emits a glow.
I steal a glance - Oh! Radiant face!
The flicker of lips 'n' heavenly grace.

We never look on eye to eye,
you are in love dear so am I.
Be with me and walk a mile,
beneath stars 'n' across the Nile.


Saturday, May 29, 2010


FACTFILE: This is based on a true incident about a gate-keeper of the school I studied in. The name of the man was Ramakant Mahato. He was a man in the mid-fifties when I first met him in class three. I always had a very nice impression of this man. He was never negligent in his duties. He always had an evergreen smile on his face till the last day I saw him. I had an impressionist and so remember all the details about him even today. We belong to a 'Society' which needs to redeem itself - an irony though. The man at a very old age was thrown off duty one gray morning on a very flimsy ground. His service in the past years were not considered even for a moment. He was left to fend alone to which time only proved that he was fighting a lost battle. He passed away one day (though I came to know that few months later after the actual incident). I heard from a friend of mine that the man in the last days of his life starved to death. Irony indeed!

I am the keeper of your gate,
it is my duty, not my fate.
I keep vigil all the day long,
people come and crowds throng
I gulp water in sweltering heat,
coz' I have very little to eat.
I stand 'n' watch and often wait,
faithful to duty - it is my trait.

Paid money to keep awake at night,
pitch darkness my friend - its alright.
The Sun blazes and the Moon peeps,
safety of the house is in my keeps.
I have grown very old and weak,
lost my strength and am somewhat meek.
Dozed off one day as I was tired,
with twenty years of duty I was fired.

Jobless in a moment - all alone,
trust and loyalty on the road thrown.
Keeper by duty and beggar by choice,
it is then that I heard the Lord's voice.
Angels guard heaven's gate - its true,
show me the path to follow thru'.
Always my duty and not my fate,
to be a keeper of your Eternal Gate.


Friday, May 28, 2010


I called out once to the blue moon,
dear can you come to me soon?
Why me? You have the sun all day.
I miss you. You may ask - you may.

Days flavoured by the nectar sweet,
a joy to behold, an eternal treat.
I wish the sun to go to rest, the
finery of the moon is at its best.

The fiery sun in the noon, is
no match for my pristine moon.
Your pleasant smile - beauty divine,
Oh Queen of Hearts now be mine.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Day after day the field is ploughed,
the farmers wait for raining cloud.
In undulating ground and tilled soil,
the hungry farmers sweat and toil.

Their food of onion and stale rice,
is ration purchased at cheaper price.
They till and toil - what happens after?
The traders cheat - an unpleasant chapter.

The poor have no use of law,
crushed under the rich man's paw.
Work and survive from day to night,
is their sole aim, their only fight.


Monday, May 24, 2010


Take my hand and walk with me,
let me show the world that I see.
Alone on a barn I see a child cry,
see it, feel it and you can ask, "why?"

Not for mother, it cries for food,
Pity! What a starving childhood.
The mother is busy in sun-burnt field,
stacking and heaping the season's yield.

She can't hear her child's feeble voice,
the burden of hunger left her no choice.
The child stops crying sometime after,
as if it has a reason for laughter.

Sees the mother - eyes laden with tears,
morphing to a smile removing all fears.
She comes and pauses - profusely sweating,
"Hold me mother, I was so long waiting."

The Mother...
"Left alone you cried, so did I,
Hear wailed, sobbed and tears ran dry."


Sunday, May 23, 2010


I am a storm coming your way,
growl and prowl, hold you at bay.
Fear me! Fear me! I gather up force,
I destroy and ravage with no remorse.

With thunder I come and cleanly sweep,
destroyed to ground thus people weep.
Fear me! Fear me! I plough the river,
sway trees and plunder the fields sober.

I am His hand of fury - his rage,
against evil the battles I do wage.
Fear me! Fear me! I am a danger, 
with pride and cruelty - His avenger.

I move the world till horizons free,
they tremble - tiniest bug to banyan tree.
Though you shake, brabble and tremble,
I am His servant - mild and humble.


Saturday, May 22, 2010


At the end of plot, silky and grassy,
sits my dream, my sweetheart lassie.
She throws pebbles on the sleepy lake,
ripples like smile causes it to wake.

She dips her toes in the chill water,
every ripple causes my heart to flutter.
Playful as the netted sunbeam dance,
the clouds stop fleeting all at once.

How to say, of what I feel?
Love aplenty and looks that kill.
On her reflection she shies away,
Oh Lord, it is such a wonderful day.

Swallows chirp and the boughs sway,
"Please stay on" - they earnestly pray.
I am beside her, yet she is mum,
silence broken by the bees that hum.

As I touch, her lips twitch and smile,
as if she expected this all the while.
She gives her hand to plant a kiss,
I lived a lifetime in momentary bliss.


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Your mind, high like the eagle soar.
The truth, loud like the lion roar.
Deceit from wolves with prying eyes,
will try to hinder your meteoric rise.
Untruth like sly fox will pounce on you,
Stop not! Fear no bully! It's nothin' new.
Beware! Behold the slimy nature of man,
wake up the tigress in you if you can.

Let not others hold you in sway,
Be elephantine and have your way.
Love, emotion and care - is enough,
they are your strengths - be tough.
Fight the wind, wade against the tide,
you need an honest spark to abide.
face the storm, strengthen your arm,
lest any falsehood should try to harm.

They will hit back, they will cheat,
as hyenas do with bloody meat.
Your claws 'n' clutch will tell the fact,
of an innocent tigress with fearful tact.
From your prowess they have learned,
you deserve the respect you have earned.
TRUTH is much heavier than it looks,
wisdom for you dear, not found in books.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I see a sweeper with broom and van
cleaning garbage; Just spick and span.
He is smelly as he wipes the dirt,
faithful to duty, no less an art.

On his duty never did praise,
taken him for granted in many ways.
They do not touch; Neither come near,
Cynic! Hypocrite! What an illiterate fear!

Is tampered in falsehood, nothing new!
I feel sad and sorely hurt. Do you?

Says, "May the Lord on us be kind,
coz we clean dirt and not their mind."



The moon is out looking for you,
while the sun envy now - its true.
On each of them you cast a charm,
Spellbound! Thus drawn to your arm.

You tell it all in a stolen glance,
to halt my world in a trance.
Emotions & words from you render,
coloured desires of an ebbing cinder.

Love me tender, gentle and sweet,
as the sun & moon in horizon meet.
Hold me close and hold me tight,
and fulfill our desires this dreamy night.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I once knew a gardener aged sixty two,
today I will narrate his story to you.
Brown complexion and wrinkled skin,
and that he had nobody next to kin.

He used to rise before the sun,
did his work early before others begun.
Be in sun or in the cool shade,
he used to tender the flowers' bed.

He only had friends and no foes,
this is how his story goes.
The flowers, fruits and trees so tall,
his life was meant for them all.

He watered them and cleared the weeds,
like a good guide of simple deeds.
He left the world one day silently in glory,
like a father never let the garden go awry.


Monday, May 17, 2010


I saw a lame beggar, yesterday eve,
searched my pockets for something to give.
He looked at me with swollen eyes,
from where tales of misery do rise.

I do shed tears just the same,
and for this his fate doth blame.
Crippled fingers and rugged skin,
protruding bones - looks very thin.

He drags himself on and begs,
alas he doesn't have one of his legs.
Hundreds of people pass him by,
Daunting! Relentless! He doesn't sigh.

Who is a beggar in this town?
People who pass by in silky gown.
Spending lots but not a penny to spare!
I belong to this society, so very rare.

He sits in the crossing of marketplace,
and sees many things of worthy grace.
Such is the way from eve to morn,
he gets hatred, abuses, filth and scorn.

I knock the society, whose soul is dead,
they pile on wealth for luxury and bread.
Speechless! Even the Gods frown, for
the mindless people in this heartless town .

"You have wealth, not the heart to give,
I have nothing except the will to live.
To The Lord I always pray and say,
never give others this unfortunate day.
I will leave one day and silently depart,
a beggar by fate ; Not a beggar by heart."

"You reside in me and will never do part,
a crippled beggar with a kingly heart"



Being lonely under the solitary Sun,
remembering the love and moonlit fun.
There is no cause to wander away,
hold my hand and walk the way.

It is not a path so soft and sound,
laden with grey pebbles strewn around.
She has endless concern and care,
her bosom a warm and cozy lair.

Thoughts fleet like the rapids' flow,
hitting smooth pebbles lying below.
You always do haunt my mind,
with shy looks and gesture entwined.

Depth of your glance make oceans shy,
dive for the deep and not ask why?
Purple memories and desires in pink,
you haunt me in every moment's brink.


Friday, May 14, 2010


What is it in you that poets seek?
Melody tone and a glance so meek.
What is it on paper that glides a pen?
Your pleasant smile, every now and then.

Seconds into hours, thus rolls the day,
you always throb in me come what may.
What is the cause to live and desire?
Your love ripples like silky attire.

You are worthy like ideas - old and new,
seen by many and known by a few.
Sometimes a tear trickle down,
born in your heart and end in a frown.

There is sober aura of pink around you,
green love, blue temptation and desire's hue.
There are true shades of black and white,
Give me my heart's colours in this velvet night.

Before dawn and after the dusk,
an envious night has a question to ask.
What do petals whisper and wind say?
"Your presence makes an auspicious day."

What is it to you the oceans say,
when you lick from it a drop away?
Replies the ocean with a thankful smile,
"Oh dear life, I was thirsty all the while!"

I see daytime moon and midnight sun,
butterflies on waves frolicking in fun.
I see things strange, unknown and yet fair,
Know this - "You are the answer to my prayer."


Thursday, May 13, 2010


The realm of dream is far and wide,
with endless joy I am on a merry ride.
This is my treasured love's domain,
fragrance of nettles didn't go in vain.

I like her brown, short and curly hair,
and shiny gems dangling in her ear.
Her lips often intently do part,
Oh! Such a great feminine art!

Her fair, pinkish and tender cheeks,
plys my heart with her rosy tricks.
Her wavy eyebrows 'n' twinkling eyes,
causes many dormant feelings to rise.

Her fingers - tender, slender and slim,
is a worthier paradise a moonlit dream.
You are a lover's desire; A dreamer's cutie,
sworn my soul to you, my emerald beauty.

Her whispers, utterances and honey breath,
pure like dew, fragrant like dahlia wreath.
Love painted on the canvas of my life;
I promise never to part in struggle 'n' strife.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The mirror that I used to see,
is not what I thought it to be.
One day it broke with a creak,
the broken pieces made me a wreck.

Oh how they pierced! Oh how I bled!
My soul left me and in the distance fled.
Walked on bleeding chips and stained glass;
Have you seen a heart bleeding? Alas !!

I pick up a broken glass and then I see,
to find a shattered belief - a heartbroken ME.
all the reflections have a tale to tell,
the flourishing of a belief, before it fell.

Irony! Broken belief! Unlucky fate!
Betrayal in belief etched in human trait.
My trust - now lost, dead and gone,
which I treasured like a beautiful morn.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The place is very scenic,
with the nature so unique.
At night the palace seems to stare,
with a beauty very rare.

It has a beauty often seen,
like a gorgeous queen.
The palace is full white,
looks just quite right.

Spread across the lush greenery,
it is nature in her finery.
The reflection of sky in water,
makes you feel there is nothing better.

The beauty of the palace,
still holds its grace.
The beauty of the tower,
blooms like a flower.

Still in the old city,
it shows royal dignity.
The beauty of the temple,
is really very simple.

The grandeur still stands tall,
as the pride of North Bengal...



The light warmth of the sun,
amidst the cool fresh air.
Tell us that good days have begun,
the weak can stand up and dare.

What a day! What a great moment!
Thus, now will end the ages of lament.
Freedom? They know not a great deal,
satisfied with twice a day meal.

Let not the sun calm down,
the wind will not flicker the flame.
Build your will power like a wall,
to shield pride and freedom above all.


Monday, May 10, 2010


Beyond yonder the forest strip,
where the lush lilies grow.
I hoped one day to plan a trip,
as there is so much more to know.

I met a green bug on the way,
and also passed by a spotted beetle.
Quest like waves on the surface sway,
knowledge unbound to prove my mettle.

Treaded on wet grass to see the new,
till all the pink lilies came into view.
The forest sounded like a merry rhyme,
tick-tock of a clock and its jingling chime.

I saw a robin on an apple tree,
wished me good morning and flew free.
The doves meditating like the sages,
I regret not seeing this beauty in ages.

The bees say - Hello and the lilies smile,
"Come sit by the bank and rest awhile".
Flapping wings saw flamingoes on the high,
like pure pearls in the heavenly blue sky.

The water splashed and I looked around,
emerged a beauty, lovingly profound.
Perplexed, amazed and stunned in awe,
I couldn't believe in what I saw.

I stepped forward and she came closer,
and showered love of endless measure.
The princess gave her hand to me,
her twinkling eyes promised of eternity.

With moon kissed lips and starlit eyes,
I knew the journey was worth the prize.


Saturday, May 8, 2010


One pearl will differ from the rest,
The Lord knows I have the best.
With innocence does the feelings flow,
Silently like a river, in quicksand below.

The footprints vanish from the earth,
and thus brings forth the lovely mirth.
The splash - the sound of gurgling water,
the froth, the cracks and slippery crater.

What is there more, more to see?
That the diver brings back forth to me.
Not to see, but feel a pearl of rarest kind,
that kindles the soul and freshens my mind.


Sunday, May 2, 2010


The flowers whisper and the leaves chatter,

the insects chirp and the birds tweeter.
Warm rays of the benevolent Sun,
amidst velvet greenery is such a fun.

Gaudy tulips of yellow for you,
spreads radiance and a serene hue.
Your smile flashes like a moment in pink,
Stop, hold on; Hey - let me think.

Our fingers clenched as we traverse along,
let me sing for you this merry song.
Shy eyes and a gorgeous lovely smile,
Oh! What more to desire all the while?

You love and care: You cry and scold,
Innocent heart; Lovely mind. My darling so bold.
Behold thee my beloved - an woman extraordinaire,
Eavesdrop to your soul 'n' hear my love whispering there...


Saturday, May 1, 2010


I salute thee ye struggling class,
the base of society - working mass.
The ideas of Engels, Tolstoy and Karl,
shine like gold and glitter like pearl.

Your blood wasted from centuries old,
buried under wealth and often sold.
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up friend,
raise your voice, this is not the end.

Stand up! Look higher! Be a man,
Don't be lame; Protest - I know we can.
Come together, bond now and be as one,
Cheers! Sound trumpets - the war will be won.

Peasants, farmers all come hand-in-hand,
Forward my brothers - "Fight for your land".
This is the land, the land of our father,
if you can't snatch it, then die for it rather.



Moments are pink petals that wither away,
the fragrance like green memories stay.
Unfurling of petals like ideas new,
open forth new horizons into my view.

In wanton love comes buzzing bee,
shivers thy flower while it touches thee.
Flourishing is thy love in air,
Oh my rose; My sweetheart so fair.

I am a humble and simple bee,
whom you hath loveth so heartily.
Cometh to thee O' lovely flower,
you are destined to be mine at this hour.

You curl thou petals, like a lass so shy,
and God smiled from the heaven so high.
I loveth your heart's beat and warm whisper,
hold me in ye bosom, the eve is coming near...
