Saturday, May 29, 2010


FACTFILE: This is based on a true incident about a gate-keeper of the school I studied in. The name of the man was Ramakant Mahato. He was a man in the mid-fifties when I first met him in class three. I always had a very nice impression of this man. He was never negligent in his duties. He always had an evergreen smile on his face till the last day I saw him. I had an impressionist and so remember all the details about him even today. We belong to a 'Society' which needs to redeem itself - an irony though. The man at a very old age was thrown off duty one gray morning on a very flimsy ground. His service in the past years were not considered even for a moment. He was left to fend alone to which time only proved that he was fighting a lost battle. He passed away one day (though I came to know that few months later after the actual incident). I heard from a friend of mine that the man in the last days of his life starved to death. Irony indeed!

I am the keeper of your gate,
it is my duty, not my fate.
I keep vigil all the day long,
people come and crowds throng
I gulp water in sweltering heat,
coz' I have very little to eat.
I stand 'n' watch and often wait,
faithful to duty - it is my trait.

Paid money to keep awake at night,
pitch darkness my friend - its alright.
The Sun blazes and the Moon peeps,
safety of the house is in my keeps.
I have grown very old and weak,
lost my strength and am somewhat meek.
Dozed off one day as I was tired,
with twenty years of duty I was fired.

Jobless in a moment - all alone,
trust and loyalty on the road thrown.
Keeper by duty and beggar by choice,
it is then that I heard the Lord's voice.
Angels guard heaven's gate - its true,
show me the path to follow thru'.
Always my duty and not my fate,
to be a keeper of your Eternal Gate.


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