Monday, May 17, 2010


I saw a lame beggar, yesterday eve,
searched my pockets for something to give.
He looked at me with swollen eyes,
from where tales of misery do rise.

I do shed tears just the same,
and for this his fate doth blame.
Crippled fingers and rugged skin,
protruding bones - looks very thin.

He drags himself on and begs,
alas he doesn't have one of his legs.
Hundreds of people pass him by,
Daunting! Relentless! He doesn't sigh.

Who is a beggar in this town?
People who pass by in silky gown.
Spending lots but not a penny to spare!
I belong to this society, so very rare.

He sits in the crossing of marketplace,
and sees many things of worthy grace.
Such is the way from eve to morn,
he gets hatred, abuses, filth and scorn.

I knock the society, whose soul is dead,
they pile on wealth for luxury and bread.
Speechless! Even the Gods frown, for
the mindless people in this heartless town .

"You have wealth, not the heart to give,
I have nothing except the will to live.
To The Lord I always pray and say,
never give others this unfortunate day.
I will leave one day and silently depart,
a beggar by fate ; Not a beggar by heart."

"You reside in me and will never do part,
a crippled beggar with a kingly heart"


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