Thursday, May 20, 2010


Your mind, high like the eagle soar.
The truth, loud like the lion roar.
Deceit from wolves with prying eyes,
will try to hinder your meteoric rise.
Untruth like sly fox will pounce on you,
Stop not! Fear no bully! It's nothin' new.
Beware! Behold the slimy nature of man,
wake up the tigress in you if you can.

Let not others hold you in sway,
Be elephantine and have your way.
Love, emotion and care - is enough,
they are your strengths - be tough.
Fight the wind, wade against the tide,
you need an honest spark to abide.
face the storm, strengthen your arm,
lest any falsehood should try to harm.

They will hit back, they will cheat,
as hyenas do with bloody meat.
Your claws 'n' clutch will tell the fact,
of an innocent tigress with fearful tact.
From your prowess they have learned,
you deserve the respect you have earned.
TRUTH is much heavier than it looks,
wisdom for you dear, not found in books.


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