Thursday, December 14, 2023


'Still water' always runs into the deep -
some unsaid words are true to keep.
Life, like a gypsy is always on the move -
treading on worries, we need to groove.

The past drags on as a caravan does -
progress is not to think, 'what once was'!
When the emotions of people are put to task -
how words are veiled, (one must ask)!

It's hard to know if one is doing well -
mask on mask, it's really hard to tell.
A sail-less boat taking a lifetime or more -
to reveal it's true self finally on the shore!


Saturday, December 9, 2023


Life is like a sea without its shores -
you push, pull and crawl on all fours.
Troubles like tides will toss and swell -
they reach their peak and thus they fell.

A mountain does not know it's very high -
so in life we ought to keep up the try.
An ocean doesn't know it's dark and deep -
and in life we have lonely secrets to keep.

Once green, a fallen leaf rots on ground -
in life despair and happiness swings around.
A diver will never knows what is in store,
until it reaches the mysterious ocean floor.

One who moves with flow is common man -
so try to wade against waves if you can.
Never be stagnant like rocks on a beach -
spread yourself to your farthest reach.


Thursday, November 23, 2023


Have you seen the radiant blue sky,
but not on a clear hot noon-day sun?
How clouds across the moon pass by
like flocks of sheep merrily on the run!
The sun from afar did the moon bless -
glorifying the moon in its fruitfulness.
Isn't it just a pristine heavenly bliss,
how the moon is hugged with radiant kiss?
Something amazes just never to cease -
how silent in sleep are those busy bees!
The owl hoots and seldom it cries -
searching for food it glides and flies.

The night-life is a time of eerie silence -
when the caterpillars crawl over the fence.
The wind on the high is maybe grieving
as the clouds drift apart while unweaving.
Insects crawl out from the deep holes -
the embodiment of life, those tiny souls.
Patches on the moon covered by cloud -
like a shy damsel veiled in her shroud.
Peace, like rain on the earth thus fall -
bestowed on the creatures, one and all.


Friday, November 17, 2023


Be the pillar that holds the bridge
when the gurgling tormentous river flow.
Be the mound that makes the ridge
where the firsts streaks of the sun glow.

Be the floor on which a palace stands
and witness glory embedded in time.
Be the memory that mingles in sands
when every life would reach its prime.

Be the shell that holds the pearl
and brave the rough on the outside.
Be the one who in danger himself unfurl
and who till his last would duty abide.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023


When through the nights we toil
and have nothing to show for it -
Sweat and blood they together broil
and someone on the race did us beat.

Respect showered on who came first
while others would be forgotten still.
Imagine the passion and his thirst
while he worked up on his daily drill!

Every excess dripping warm sweat
he spends away from the prying eyes -
Every struggler does patiently wait
for the glorious destiny as his prize.

So struggle, toil and do work more
as someone else is fighting for glory -
'A dedicated will' above all would score
and legends are born through a story.


Friday, October 27, 2023


Where the heart was full of love and pride
and the mind was born to be free -
A blooming witness whose tears have dried
and have seen untold sadistic spree.
Love for the motherland was then a crime
and thus they were brought and kept -
A horde of patriots in their very prime
never to return thus here for ever slept.
Screams and wails echoed thru' the walls
and the ground and sky heard the same -
Whips and boots sounded in the halls
but oozing blood and agony tho' couldn't tame.
They ripped till the bone but not the soul
and the idea and fervour was on rise -
Patriots hanged but on whites it took a toll
as martyrdom for freedom was no surprise.
As tidal waves lash onto rocky shore
and make a thunderous gallant sound -
The bloody lashes of whites went for more,
the end of savagery, nowhere to be found.
As tears, waves, lashes, curses with time fell
and the cells witnessed an ungodly dark age -
My roots ached to stop, the dry leaves cud' tell;
I wanted to drop the curtains of this stage.
While others fell I survived my fateful ground
only to see the horror unfold before my eyes -
Some to gallows, sea and some never found;
On lifeless bodies I saw a new era arise.
I'm the giant of those olden dark days
who saw the 'right to freedom' in chains -
Faith and sacrifice in time surely pays,
we are now free but their shackle remains...


Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Water lashing onto the iceberg's edge -
humongous chunk dangling like a ledge.
Though made of water but floating on it -
with centuries of drift with having no feet.
Every wave desires for the sandy shore -
falling on the beach, yet wanting more.
It's getting warmer as the millenias pass-
'today' is different from what 'yesterday' was.
A small tip, that's what the world sees -
though a fragment, it's never on its knees.
Majesticism of a tree is not in its fruits,
but that which is hidden deep - the roots.
If it's chunks are broken with nature's blow -
it's again ready to rise, a push from below.
You can't cut off the head as there's none -
not everything ends at the point of a gun.
Not all things in nature can ever mingle -
some will stay alongside and are single.



Saturday, October 14, 2023


Sins upon sins and repressive power -
deep gurgling within worsening by hour.
There's no respect in slashing of swords -
all that remains are murderous hordes.
Savagery unbound and sans the guilt -
forces an innocent's grip on the hilt.
The mind is at battle before the war begun -
once had homes, now nomads on the run.
Innocents take up weapons with a sigh -
when flashes of death rains from the sky.
When the roots are hit, thus falls a tree -
as the branches wilt, the birds are free.
Night adorned in fire, day in smoky cloak -
seems the angel of death has finally spoke.
It's a pity how death whispers to all,
as the weaklings rise and the mighty fall!
As a sick man swallows a bitter pill -
no mercy for a disease one has to kill.
History tells, David struck Goliath down -
sour truth becomes the talk of the town.
Once crossed the sea, now never again -
as sheep never chases a lion out of its den.



Friday, October 13, 2023


Lions and hyenas live on the same fields -
yet on hideous attack, the other yields.
They come out of bushes tasting blood -
their heinous nature overflow like flood.
They howl and cackle as their nature be -
kill and maim cubs; starting dark mutiny.
Unwritten truce broken by a heinous act -
between lions and hyenas there's no pact!
Weapon of the wicked is to kill and run;
A raging lions stands - the war just begun.
In a fool's paradise they claw and bite -
an unforgiving cruelty to show one's might.
To kill a cub is to kill a future king -
the hyenas on their own did misery bring.
The 'pride of lions' will uphold it's pride -
it's going to be one messy, bloody ride.
There's a line betwixt martyrs and dead -
the lion would then do as destiny bade.
Prides would tear through enemy's pack -
revealing supremacy in an uncanny knack.
The first killers can't be victims - no more;
jungle's law resounding in the lion's roar.
A lion is a king in the Almighty's name -
the jungle we knew, w'd never be the same.



Saturday, October 7, 2023


Along the banks of the meandering river,
the sun barred by the canopy of the trees.
From immemorial times flowing, a life giver -
made mark on land as it may please.

From swallows to herons and even cranes -
land of vipers, alligators or even turtle -
their path never cross on carefree lanes -
faced ravaging weather, yet kept the myrtle.

Lively chirps to humming or even the buzz,
is in itself an unique world of its own.
Ruthless or coy in peaceful living does,
creatures of less intellect in harmony known.

Lesser beings, sharper brain made the ploy;
A barbaric democracy - yet the world  is proud.
A boy at apex made the country his toy -
we have no 'We' but innumerous 'Me' in crowd.


Sunday, September 24, 2023


By nature's way, in darkness I was kept -
as my spirits grew upward I steadily crept.
The hope to be free started with a fight -
nature's design in place falls just right.

In darkness, against darkness I pushed thru' -
the strength, I guess from my ancestors drew.
Upward I moved against every other odds -
fought the demonly forces with zeal of Gods.

From pod to seed and then a tiny shoot -
while deeper within earth grew my root.
Opposite we moved, objective the same -
two forces hand-in-hand wins the game.

The root's fight is seen in fruits and flowers -
a society strengthens as prosperity showers.
This is how the laws of life eternally sing -
One remains a kingmaker; other remains a king.


Thursday, September 21, 2023


It's no more, the days of being a child -
the mind ran free and dreams were wild.
Curious thoughts of this and that -
playful as kitten and attention of a cat.
Those days of sunshine, rain, heat 'n' cold -
are now dusty treasures in memory's fold.
The joyous days of a wondrous kid -
haughtiness, naughtiness not put to lid.

Crossing over an uncharted barbed fence,
stirred up the thrill - an adventurous sense.
The strongest - who thus made a pledge,
dragged us on a coconut-leaf sledge.
Standing on toes at the muddy pond's ledge -
Reflections of glee ebbing at the edge.
Chasing paper boats over cluttered drains -
some marks of cuts, bruises still remains.

Disobeying parents, getting easily caught -
like a lost war before it was even fought.
Kisses on cheeks, ruler marks on the palm -
reprimands seldom made kids wholly calm.
I see kids with wind blowing on their face -
outstretched arms like wings in playful race.
They now crave today for fame and crown - 
yet their eyes are moist and brows in a frown.


Friday, September 15, 2023


Very few can stand on the brink -
on the lake of immortals and drink.
Be forever on the horizon like stars -
martyrs are born in horrendous wars.

The elite in their stony castles prattle -
while in darkness, unknown names battle.
Commoners easily forget, sadly we let -
heroes of the soil to whom we are in debt.

Supreme is their sacrifice, a chosen fate;
They strain, struggle, fight and eagerly wait.
Salute to those mudlands, rocky terrain -
echoing the voices of divine, immortal men.


Wednesday, September 6, 2023


In the land of coconut, betel and palm -
the mind was free and the wind was calm. 
They knew not wealth but labour they knew -
injustice meted on thousands by a handful few.

As floods sweep over leaving the silt -
hopefuls were given hope, dreams were built.
What remained though after every flood-
landlords squeezed it out in sweat and blood.

Fear out of respect and respect out of fear -
the unjust system pushed them in the rear.
From two meals to one and then had none -
their lives reddened with protest and gun.


Tuesday, September 5, 2023


It is a lonely planet teeming with life
while it's moon spins with silvery light.
Here goodness beholds among inglorious rife -
the moon has patches but is still bright.

In our own backyard we do never look
and so the grass is greener on the other side.
Some remains thirsty while dipped in a brook;
Some in darkness cannot cross the other side.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023


The toy is kept in a see-through box,
people come around and readily flocks.
In a cosy place and in a well lit shop,
the kids with eager faces make a stop.
It is made of green, yellow and red -
a talking robot with a very big head.
It repeated back what it always heard -
one day it stopped, not a single word!

Sadly it could not serve its purpose there -
it was costly, amazing and playfully rare.
Seemed the toy had feelings and some more -
while it was kept in a dark corner of the store.
It lost its purpose in shop to joyfully serve,
but somehow it kept up the hope and nerve.
One day there came a pair of eager eyes
and took the toy by utter surprise.

From depths of utter despair it finally rose,
but as the kid neared it's heart froze.
Hopeful hands outstretched in immense joy -
a jubilant kid hugged a colourful toy.
In life, not all seasons do come at once -
each in their prowess wait for a chance.
So, keep up the hope and do your work -
there will always be light just after dark.


Saturday, July 1, 2023


When is it that we have grown old
and think that the days of youth are over?
Is it just that the skin wrinkle and fold,
while joyous days in mind hum and hover?
Life is not just the eclipses and long years -
nor the gloomy and grey dark days.
It was not of our gain, tears or our fears -
but about the hopeful, bright, elegant rays.
Treat those calm nights and bright days,
as a chance to live on motherly earth.
Being reborn in so many blissful ways -
let deeds welcome vagabonds to my hearth.
There are hands that will always pray,
better - be the hands that put out aid.
Give them hope, a speck of positive ray,
better - do as one conscious human bade.
There comes a time you will finally know,
that you have fully done your bidding.
Others will prosper from what you sow -
the inactions are no more - by your ridding.
Life is like walking along the roaring beach -
one feet in water, the other on sand.
There are so many hearts we need to reach -
it is possible when we walk hand-in-hand.
Yes, one day my time will surely end 
and I would know I loyally did my part.
Smile towards the horizon as darkness bend,
this is life flowing and that is its art.


Sunday, June 11, 2023


The bugles from afar they proudly sound -
arousing unseen moments so profound.
Some as ashes mingled in the holy air -
with pride and moist eyes we are aware.
Also gallant were those we call our foe -
who rests forever within mother earth below.
How could a precious life one willingly throw?
On sacred ground they fell, row after row.
Clouds often gather in the vacant sky -
raining tears for souls from above the high.

They from their loved ones are forever away -
while we just get to live another day.
Vultures never swoop down on hallowed lands,
wherein the spirits of martyrs roam in bands.
Heaven prospers under shadow of swords,
securing it's gates from murderous hordes.
As fragrant petals gets strewn on the field -
they have chosen their path never to yield.
They are the stones on which a nation is built -
as some flowers are plucked before they wilt.


Monday, June 5, 2023


Isn't it strange, that in life all we possess;
mind needs more! (it's just so very less).
Some by us earned, some upon us hurled -
it is sad, nobody has enough in this world.

Isn't it ironical, that in life we all thrive;
an urge for more, gathering as in a hive.
Even what we learnt, we keep it furled -
it is sad, nobody relays enough in this world.

Isn't it painful, that in life we all pledge;
for goodness, yet we still stand on the ledge.
The more we have, we keep it whorled -
it is sad, nobody has enough in this world.


Thursday, May 18, 2023


Chunks of ice gave way to lively rivers -
flooding, giving birth to green plains.
Humans defiled those eternal life givers
and yet the story remains ...

The big, slyly overpowers the weak
only for their own material gains.
Through millennium revolts of the meek
and yet the story remains ...

We took away what our earth gave
while pretending not to see those stains.
Humans could not thus humanity save
and yet the story remains ...

Empires crumbled, which once was raised
to rule and hold the poor in reins.
The proud kings from memory, just erased
and yet the story remains ...

Nature will take back what was stolen -
it will one day break away the chains.
Men will be no more - those fallen
and yet the earth remains ...


Sunday, May 14, 2023


A war is always going on in all spheres -
the eyes never run dry due to flowing tears.
Loss on both sides, while none of them win -
quarrels stop, quarrels stay and some begin.
Some listen, some justify, some condemn -
A huge loss defines profit for some of them.
It would have been a really great sight,
being able to see a star-studded night!
What is it I see now on those plains?
Bullet-riddled bodies are all that remains!
Those on orders fought for the land -
are martyrs now, immortal they stand.
Lost in battles are not only the lives 
but loving parents, children and wives.
Somewhere in a hall a treaty is signed -
it mattered not whose fate thus resigned...
It is very hard to recognise your foe;
borders are not, we all must surely know.
Ever did thought how tragic is this,
a child missing the love of father's kiss?
Each family united in loss of others -
till last they remained like band of brothers.
Politicians spewing hate, playing their parts -
who never thought to mend broken hearts.
Through darkness let our conscience arise -
when glimmer of hope meets a child's eyes.


Wednesday, May 3, 2023


The boulders we see of the yesteryear -
will surely break down into stones.
All we need is to overcome our fear 
and ignore the pains and moans. 

A bit of our small effort, all the time 
will deliver to us the desired wish.
If we slip, we must keep up the climb;
the fire within will provide the dish.

Slow trickle will always make a stream -
Believe! Such rivers will never run dry.
Give up comfort to fulfill your dream -
people always flourish with an honest try.


Wednesday, April 19, 2023


A mother's wrinkled skin and weak eyes -
looks on at the porch, disbelieving all lies.
Gave birth to a 'lion', her lifelong treasure -
he was her entire world beyond measure.

To shield from evils tied him an amulet -
a mother's eternal love, lest none forget.
While her son wielded gun and sabre -
a mother's prayer overcame mental labour.

While he kept gunning, kept on trying -
others were no more - lifelessly lying.
Staggering, stammering onward he tread -
he returned home to his mother, but dead.

When hero fell there was smoke still -
life's battle was lost but he won the hill.
Bravery, courage would forever rhyme -
somethings are eternal, flowing in time.

That's how golden wombs send men away -
they would be no more while others stay.
Martyrs are born when soldiers die -
'All perishes in time, is just another lie'.


Thursday, April 13, 2023


Remove fears, wipe away tears if there be -

help someone to grow, through their mind.

Our life passes steadily in seconds we see -

I just want to leave a bit something behind.

The walls we have built, dust on the mirrors -

break those shackles, let us come and bind.

Put an end to dreams rising out of horrors -

I just want to leave a bit something behind.

All races holding each other below the sky -

living together happily, to each other kind.

It's not hard to do I know, till end I will try -

I just want to leave a bit something behind.

Wipe out the canvas soaked in red hue -

Stop stabbing! There's boon in being kind.

Let us turn a new page, let us start anew -

I just want to leave a bit something behind.



From far off where the roads bend,
the sun peeps behind horizon to all.
Work of the daylight is now put to end,
before the stars shine with nightfall.

The sun never stops like the heartbeat,
while time rolls like waves of the sea.
Time - 'working timely' with no retreat -
no rest, just looking forward to flee.

The tussle of night and day moves on -
with gift of warmth ending at night.
As the light rolls, darkness is gone -
others welcome sun with all their might.


Tuesday, April 4, 2023


I have stood for long, a long time 
and have seen centuries pass me by.
Memories keeps ticking like clock's chime
and I relieve those with a smile and sigh.
I have seen many a war and raging battle -
cannons blazing, swords clashing with shields.
Thunder, storms couldn't make me rattle -
seen martyrs born on the bloodied fields.
Mother blessed their lions off to war -
wives, daughters, sisters did the same.
Echo of undying spirit heard from afar -
while hero fell, glorified was their name.
Unyielding bravery - life after life I did see,
while time couldn't make me rust.
Stuck to a wall, there is pride in me -
though now I am covered with dust.
Elephants, horses took arrows and spears -
wounded though, it did never stop them.
Like their masters, overcame all fears -
now forgotten, but they rose to fame.
I'm adorned in iron and age-old wood -
the hinges like walls always stood tall.
I would be a witness, I know I should -
for centuries of glory, rise or fall. 
I have stood for long and for long I will;
future like the past would pass by me.
Cubs will turn into lions and a void fill;
I was witness to sacrifices and forever be.


Saturday, April 1, 2023


Isn't it a shameful, bitter, painful irony,
that we cut trees and make our home? 
While we slide past other's life and agony -
tormenting those who there freely roam.

Beauty in wings were there always free,
while we tried to put them in cages.
Taken from motherly branches of the tree
and captivated as slave for long ages.

Roar, growl, trumpet or the shrill hoot
are getting lost behind bars in the zoo.
Grasslands, tall trees may become moot,
while the guilty here is just me and you.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023


There is a hanging pot outside my grill -
had no plant but has its own thrill.
Roughened by the sun, water and dust,
it aged like a man, as it surely must.
A blue Robin out of nowhere came -
the empty pot was never again the same.
Leaves, twigs - its own home it did pave;
gladly collecting all that Nature gave.
The cradle of nature took time to sway -
'Baby's chirps' were heard from day to day.
The empty pot was now full of pure joy -
knowing that it was Nature's fine ploy.
Each of us, an unique purpose do serve -
as we make roads, smoothen every curve.


Saturday, March 25, 2023


"Always be like the flame, it's burning -
just like the wheel, it's always turning.
Doubts will creep as a flame will flicker -
rise above the common and never bicker.
Never be a dealer in pride and lies,
as it leads to downfall for the unwise.
Follow your heart and be it's master,
like an unique gem show your lustre.

Moments may come, you lose your cool -
let time, truth be your shield and tool.
Accept your fate as your only boss,
who may dictate your life's win or loss.
Friends like blooms may stay or be gone;
just cherish them and do not hold on.

As you read these lines, my darling son,
I would be gone, while you alone run.
Let my last advice be my eternal touch -
Remember, that I loved you very much."


Wednesday, March 22, 2023


A boat tied to a strong, fixed pole
can batter every turmoil or storm.
One in life must have a goal,
a disciplined life is the norm.
Like the poison ivy temptations come,
where a devil's life may seem better.
Be capable of removing sweet scum;
let our conscience not be a traitor.

Waves will lash against the shore,
water will recede beneath the boat.
So, stick to an ideal all the more;
a class apart, others may take note.

The troubles like tides - high and low
will lash and pound our life's boat.
'Follow truthful path', one must know -
legends are born, thus historians wrote.


Sunday, March 19, 2023


A nation stands on the brink of destiny,
had good choices to make - so many.
Instead they planted the poison seed,
hoping for good, to fulfill their need.

Poison branches spread towards the skies,
while deep in darkness, the roots of lies.
After five decades came - 'venom flower';
Its sweet toxin finally did overpower.

Pollens of mistrust flew in the breeze,
affecting the healthy bordering trees.
It bore the much awaited toxic fruit -
fed on tears, ignorance - making it moot.


Wednesday, March 15, 2023


They came to take what we did reap;
money, gems, freedom stacked in heap.
Pride like a gown the whites did wear -
the devil in hiding did good news bear.
We couldn't from them, our country save
but slowly took it to destiny's grave.
It's not that they had a greater might
but that divisive politics was the plight.
On weak mind and men kept up 'the chew';
on paper some broken lines they drew.
The weaklings were sure that all was well
and thus it was how a vast country fell.
Egoistic minds, sweet talk, treacherous eyes -
sadly our own acted as the whites' spies.
Thus, they slowly, surely brought all down
as they worked thru' town after town.
By snatching lands, covered the globe -
ego, pride displayed on bloodied robe.
Fake Highness pretended good intent,
cooking poison in the future parliament.
Looted, slaughtered from nature to child -
sent back to England the riches they piled.
What they thought was fame and glory 
was in darkness a bitter, shameless story.
The dark clouds parted and the time came -
our own flag flew over rebellion's flame.


Monday, March 13, 2023


Some empty handed in darkness fled
while the ones stayed, to death did bled.
Child 'n' man rotted in blood soaked field
while the women were forced to yield.
The call to threat came from the mics
while bodies dangled from poles 'n' spikes.
A once sweet brotherhood now forsaken -
lives, trust 'n' modesty forcefully taken.
In darkness the hideous monsters creep -
cursed eyes wide open in deep sleep.
The 'shriek', the 'horror' and the 'cry' -
none heard, none saw, they didn't even try.
Even the cloud came down in tears
but couldn't erase the trauma or fears.
It was evident and needless to say -
humanity fell off the cliff that day.
People were killed by their names -
left to rot, sans giving to the flames.
The filth from both sides of the border,
shook dirty hands and gave the order.
Heaven submitted to the fires of Hell -
Lucifer sat on the throne, one could tell. 
They forgot, that the wheel was in spin -
bodies lived no more but curses have been. 
Spineless leaders; the rioters went wild
as the country was ruled by devil's child.
After three decades, tho' it stopped burning -
there's hope, as the wheels are finally turning.


Thursday, March 9, 2023


I stand on the riverbank and watch
the radiant setting sun's magical touch.
A day that outshone all in bright
to welcome darkness through the night.
Grey to blue those clouds and skies -
fulfills the mind through gifted eyes.
The cool drops from heaven: A surprise
that kisses the warm earth in its guise.
The roaring thunder with clap and beat -
it is unruly Nature's splendid feat.
The lightning blazes like clanking chain -
thus showing off like a lion's Mane.
The wind blows harder to be a breeze,
lashing over ripples and thru' the trees.
Flowers of vines like garlanded wreathes -
silently spreads fragrance as it breathes.
As I see, I feel and I am inclined
to thus question Me and my mind.
'Each creation of nature is an art
and each thus plays its own part.'
"Then why is it that men do jeer,
its own kith and kin or even peer?"
I know not what is in the mind of man -
surely capable for more, they can.
Words like spears dart through air,
not thinking how the man would fare.
Surely this was not in the creator's plan -
A human cud' be greater than just a man.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023



A timid, blue gurgling, shimmering river
from atop the mountains it gaily came.
Mysterious and silent the snow-clad giver
was witness to deceit, loyalty and fame.
It glowed like sapphire with crystals' hue -
far above the tricolour proudly hovered.
The peaks were taken by a deceitful few;
their dark intentions were all that mattered.

The sons of the soil went up the posts
but came back home hideously martyred.
On higher terrain were those devil's hosts,
but our sons on moral grounds chartered.
We lost too many but at last won the peak
while some played god in veiled shroud.
The brave moved up, situation was bleak - 
they laid their lives and made us proud.

Yes, blood was spilt in this brute fight
and air, water, soil were the true witness.
Victory came to steely resolve and pure might
while our sons from true path never digress.
